Introducing the Meerapfel Ernest Line
The Meerapfel Ernest line is part of the "Master Blend" collection, which illustrates the richness of the family heritage in the art of cigar making. Distinctive among four lines, it pays tribute to one of the generations of the Meerapfel family, playing a significant role in the tobacco industry and cigar culture.
Family origin and signature
Meerapfel Ernest cigars are made using tobacco of exceptional heritage, aligned with the family's history. The wrapper, a distinctive element of these cigars, comes from singed leaves preserved since Richard Meerapfel's death, a device for guarding the local flavors of Cameroon, paying homage to the tradition of tobacco growing in this region.
Manufacturing details
Reflecting a commitment to craftsmanship, the Meerapfel Ernest lines are produced in very limited quantities, with only 613 boxes made available globally for each size. The selection of vitolas within this line includes the Double Robusto, Lonsdale, Robusto, and Corona Gorda - all traditional formats revered by aficionados.
Flavor profile
Each format in the Ernest line offers a flavor profile that reflects the unique terroir of Cameroonian tobacco. Fans can expect subtle, complex notes, where earthy and woody nuances blend to create a rich, multidimensional tasting experience.
Cultural Impact and Heritage
The influence of the Meerapfel family has shaped the cigar industry, introducing innovations while preserving age-old traditions. The Ernest line is thus part of a continuity that carefully balances celebration of the past with adaptation to contemporary tastes, reflecting the impact of this dynasty on the evolution of cigar practices and preferences.
In conclusion, the Meerapfel Ernest line is a series that encapsulates expertise and family history, while offering a distinctive sensory experience. The limited editions of this line are a testament to Meerapfel's quest for excellence and attention to detail.