Macanudo Inspirado Orange - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Macanudo Inspirado Orange

Initially designed for the European market, Macanudo Inspirado Orange cigars are world-renowned for their quality. Handmade in Honduras, they offer a brightly colored wrapper, guaranteeing uniform tasting and earthy, peppery notes with a touch of sweetness. The blend of leaves from the varied terroirs of the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua creates a complex, harmonious blend. Macanudo combines cigar-making tradition with innovation, introducing unique flavours and contributing to the evolution of cigar culture worldwide.

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Macanudo Inspirado Orange


Introducing the Macanudo Inspirado Orange range

Originally developed to match the preferences of European cigar aficionados, the Macanudo Inspirado Orange range has established itself as a recognized brand worldwide. These cigars are handmade in Honduras, a country renowned for its tobacco expertise.

Origins and compositions

The selection of leaves for Macanudo Inspirado Orange is meticulous. The cigars combine a wrapper and binder from Honduras with a filler from a blend of Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. This fusion of terroirs gives each module its characteristic complexity.

Manufacturing features

The attention to detail in the making of each cigarillo reflects the handcrafted quality of Macanudo Inspirado Orange. The wrapper, offering a specific, vibrant coloring, is optimally matched to the burn and construction, essential to ensure uniformity of tasting.

Tasting notes

Upon tasting, connoisseurs will be able to discern a delicate yet distinctive flavor profile. Earthy notes mixed with hints of pepper and a slight sweetness create a singular taste harmony, reflecting the variety of terroirs from which the leaves come.

Traditions and innovations

Macanado, with its strong heritage in the cigar industry, brings together tradition and progress with this range. Inspirado Orange stands out for its ability to remain faithful to traditional methods while bringing a new interpretation to internationally appreciated blends and flavours.

Cultural impact and evolution

The recognition of the Inspirado Orange line among cigar connoisseurs worldwide testifies to an evolution in these preferences and a growing appreciation for multi-terroir blends. This line has helped to broaden cigar culture, introducing consumers to taste profiles off the beaten track.


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