La Galera - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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La Galera

La Galera, based in Tamboril near Santiago in the Dominican Republic, is run by Jose Arnaldo "Jochy" Blanco. This brand, renowned for its tradition and expertise, rigorously selects its tobacco and masters the art of rolling to guarantee cigars of excellence. The Dominican terroir, ideal for growing tobacco, offers complex aromas and perfect combustion. Tasting notes range from spicy to creamy and woody, always seeking a balance between strength and sweetness. Heir to a long tradition, La Galera honors the know-how and contributes to the influence of Dominican cigars, with a constant commitment to excellence that is felt in every cigar produced.

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La Galera


Introduction to La Galera

Tamboril, on the outskirts of Santiago in the Dominican Republic, is often referred to as a hotbed of cigar production. This is where La Galera established its heritage, under the leadership of Jose Arnaldo Blanco, also known as "Jochy".

The brand draws its strength from experience and tradition, specializing in the skilled processing of tobacco to produce quality cigars. La Galera stands out for the special attention given to each stage of its production.

How La Galera cigars are made

At La Galera, the process of creating a cigar begins with the rigorous selection of tobacco, based on decades of dedicated work. Careful cultivation of the tobacco leaves is a top priority to obtain cigars with the desired aromatic profile.

Cigar rolling is an art that is reflected in every piece produced. It takes a precise hand and perfect mastery to guarantee the consistency and quality of La Galera cigars.

La Galera's terroir and tobacco

La Galera cigars are the direct result of the Dominican terroir, with its fertile soil and ideal climate for growing tobacco. The varieties used are chosen for their ability to deliver complex aromas and optimal combustion.

The care taken in fermenting and aging the tobacco is another crucial element in the brand's taste profile. Each leaf is coaxed to its aromatic peak before being hand-rolled.

Tasting notes for La Galera cigars

A La Galera cigar offers a rich tasting experience, with notes that can vary from subtle spicy flavors to hints of cream and wood. The balance between strength and sweetness is carefully sought for a memorable tasting experience.

The aromatic palette is the result of a meticulous blend of tobaccos, allowing smokers to savor the complexity and depth of the cigars produced by La Galera.

History and cultural impact

The La Galera brand is part of a long tradition of cigar production in the Dominican Republic. Created by "Jochy" Blanco, it pays tribute to decades of quality craftsmanship and helps shape the region's worldwide reputation.

With the rise of Dominican cigars on the international scene, La Galera has established itself as a respected player. Commitment to excellence and pride in a richly cultivated heritage are palpable in every cigar from their factory.


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