Seleccion Privada - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Seleccion Privada

La Couronne Cigar Selection Privada, launched in 2009, is a range renowned for its artisanal quality and distinguished blend. With three variations-Short Robusto (Magnum "A"), Wide Robusto (Magnum "AA"), and Gran Toro (Magnum "AAA"-it offers a range of strengths and flavor profiles marked by woody, spicy, leathery and honey notes. The cigars are aged for 6 months in Escaparate, guaranteeing a controlled mood and temperature, for a perfect fusion of aromas. The Short Robusto appeals to lovers of strong sensations, while the Wide Robusto is prized for its roundness, and the Gran Toro shines for its balance of strength and suppleness. Consistent quality and the unique character of each cigar make the SĂ©lection Privada a must-have, regularly ranking among the public's top three choices.

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Seleccion Privada


Cigares La Couronne Seleccion Privada: a Reasoned Assessment

The Seleccion Privada range, launched in 2009 by Maisson La Couronne SA, has rapidly made a name for itself on the cigar market. Praised for its high-quality manufacturing and balanced blend, Seleccion Privada has been a great success with cigar aficionados. Three modules offer a variety of formats, each with distinct characteristics in terms of strength and flavor.

Manufacturing and Aging Practices

Each cigar in the selection is carefully crafted, and aged for six months in a controlled environment known as Escaparate. This crucial step helps to achieve optimal balance and meld the aromas together, creating a consistent tasting experience every time.

Magnum "A": The Short Robusto

Short Robusto, known as Magnum "A", is renowned for its power right from the start. Its robust construction promises a rapid rise in flavor, offering a balance between muscular vigor and a complex aromatic palette. Aimed at cigar aficionados with a taste for full-bodied cigars, this module unfurls notes of wood, spice and leather, punctuated by honeyed sweetness.

Magnum "AA": The Wide Robusto

The Magnum "AA", with its Wide Robusto shape, launches smoothly. This category is particularly popular for its roundness and versatility, making it a preferred companion at various times of the day. While retaining the signature characteristics of the Magnum "liga", this format is currently the darling of consumers, proving extremely popular.

AAA Magnum: The Gran Toro

The Magnum "AAA" is distinguished by its oily, maduro wrapper, which ensures consistent taste quality throughout the tasting experience. This Gran Toro module attracts those seeking a balance between suppleness and controlled strength, and is often among the top 3 choices of loyal customers, both in-store and online.

Conclusion: Harmony of Flavors

The three categories of Seleccion Privada de La Couronne show consistency over the years, with care taken to create a unique blend. Their design reflects the search for harmony between character and subtlety, roundness and balance, making it possible to fully describe this tĂȘte de cuvĂ©e.


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