Introduction to La Aurora Escogidos
The La Aurora Escogidos range is one of the most distinguished selections in the world of cigars. From the Dominican Republic, these cigars are renowned for their meticulous construction and balanced palette of flavors.
Origin and manufacture
La Aurora, considered the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, applies its expertise to Escogidos. These cigars are made with a meticulous blend of Dominican tobaccos, renowned for their finesse and aromatic complexity.
Tobacco Blend
The selection of tobaccos for Escogidos is rigorous, combining leaves from different regions for a harmonious whole. The league includes a blend of Piloto Cubano and Dominican Olor, known for their contribution to balanced notes.
Specific features
The construction of La Aurora Escogidos cigars bears witness to meticulous hand-rolling, ensuring even combustion. The wrapper used wraps the cigar elegantly, giving rise to an exquisite appearance and smooth texture.
Taste profile
Escogidos offer a taste experience characterized by woody, creamy flavors, where coffee sweetness mingles with spices. The profile is balanced by notes of hazelnut and a hint of sweetness.
Tasting notes
On the palate, La Aurora Escogidos cigars reveal a progression of flavors, from light nuances to fuller-bodied moments, appealing to a broad spectrum of afficionados.
Traditions and Innovations
La Aurora perpetuates the tradition of Dominican cigars while incorporating innovative methods to improve quality. This fusion of heritage and modernity is reflected in every Escogidos, creating a product that is both classic and contemporary.
Cigar history and culture
Cigar culture has evolved over the centuries, with various categories influencing global tastes and preferences. The Aurora Escogidos represents this rich history and contributes to the worldwide reputation of Dominican cigars.
La Aurora Escogidos embody the expertise of a factory that honors tradition while adapting to contemporary palates. These cigars find a place of choice in the humidors of connoisseurs around the world, seduced by their balance and complexity.