Introduction to Cigars La Aurora Dominican DNA
In the fascinating world of Dominican cigars, the La Aurora Dominican DNA (ADN Dominicano) series is distinguished by the integration of an unconventional tobacco known as andullo. Long considered an exotic component in cigar blending, andullo is a dominant feature of this blend.
Andullo tobacco and its origins
Andullo is distinguished by its unique fermentation process. Native to the Dominican Republic, this type of tobacco is traditionally fermented by being tightly rolled in palm leaves, compressed in cylinders and tied with ropes. This process intensifies its flavours and characteristics, giving the cigars a particular complexity in the mouth. La Aurora optimizes this ancestral practice to produce the Dominican DNA series.
Cigar features
At the heart of each La Aurora Dominican DNA cigar is a blend of tobaccos carefully selected to enhance the specific taste of andullo. The tobacco leaves, with their varied origins and profiles, enrich the aromatic bouquet, bringing balance and structure to the tasting experience. Typical notes include spicy, woody tones, with occasional hints of sweetness and earthiness.
Production and Construction
The delicate construction of La Aurora Dominican DNA cigars is another of their trademarks. Each cigar is handcrafted by skilled artisans, producing modules balanced in both density and draw. Attention to detail contributes to a consistent and satisfying smoking experience. Users will notice not only the quality of the burn but also the integrity of the cigar throughout the tasting experience.
The evolution of Cigares La Aurora
The La Aurora brand, founded in 1903, enjoys a well-established reputation in the cigar industry. Its progress has been marked by innovation while honoring traditional methods. The inclusion of andullo in the Dominican DNA series is a living tribute to heritage while advancing cigar culture. Smokers looking for an authentic and diversified experience will naturally be drawn to this series, rich in a past rooted in the art of cigar making.
The Flavor Profile
In terms of the various flavor profiles offered by cigars in the Dominican DNA line, we would highlight the balanced presence of complex aromas. The smoker will be guided through a varied range of notes from chocolatey sweetness to pronounced spices, returning to subtle leathery flavors and pleasantly persistent earthy finishes at the end of tasting.