La Aurora 107 Nicaragua - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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La Aurora 107 Nicaragua

La Aurora 107 Nicaragua cigars represent a distinguished journey into the world of tobacco. Bred from the "Tobaccos of the World Tour" series, these cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic, but their soul is rich with the prized tobaccos of Nicaragua, grown on fertile volcanic soils. Their meticulous construction, including the "rolado entubar" technique, guarantees harmonious combustion. In terms of palette, these cigars offer a moderately to strongly intense taste adventure, with spicy notes followed by a complexity of earthy, woody flavors with floral accents. Hints of licorice and nuts are added for a rich, persistent finish. Aurora 107 Nicaragua is a tribute to the innovation and cultural heritage of cigar art.

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La Aurora 107 Nicaragua


Introduction to La Aurora 107 Nicaragua cigars

La Aurora 107 Nicaragua cigars are the embodiment of elegance and tradition, offering an experience that blends refinement and intensity. Each module is made in the Dominican Republic, but at its heart lies the characteristic spirit of Nicaraguan tobaccos.

Origin and Tobacco

The Aurora 107 Nicaragua is part of the "Tobaccos of the World Tour" series, inviting fans to savor the quality of Nicaraguan tobacco renowned for its full-bodied flavor and impeccable craftsmanship. This geographic choice is essential, as Nicaragua is renowned for its fertile volvanic soils, contributing to the creation of premium quality tobaccos.

Manufacturing and Construction

The construction of a cigar has a significant influence on its tasting, and La Aurora 107 Nicaragua cigars reflect meticulous craftsmanship. The process often includes the "rolado entubar" technique, a rolling method which ensures that cigars burn evenly and optimally.

Taste profile

Fans of La Aurora 107 Nicaragua cigars will find a medium to strong intensity. Spicy notes dominate initially, before giving way to an earthy, woody richness. Floral scents and bursts of licorice and walnut enrich the taste palette, offering a complex, memorable finish.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The La Aurora 105 Nicaragua cigar category is part of a rich history, where evolving preferences and manufacturing methods meet. This series marks innovation while paying tribute to cultural heritages in the art of cigar making.


The inclusion of this cigar category in a connoisseur's selection is a tribute to Nicaraguan tobacco traditions and Dominican rolling excellence. It's an exploration of taste, offering authenticity and depth with every puff.


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