La Aurora - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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La Aurora

Founded in 1903 by Eduardo LeĂłn Jimenes, La Aurora cigars emanate from the oldest factory in the Dominican Republic. Honoring a family tradition of tobacco farmers, this brand with global reach began with Eduardo at the age of 18 and a team of six employees. More than a century later, La Aurora is a global family business, today run by Guillermo LeĂłn Herbert, the founder's grandson, with a workforce of over a thousand. These renowned cigars are distinguished by their quality of manufacture, their diversity of flavors with notes of coffee, chocolate, and spices, ranging from mild variants to more robust selections for experts. Aurora, a guarantee of integrity and excellence, proudly contributes to the cigar's cultural heritage by upholding its fundamental values.

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La Aurora


Origin and heritage of La Aurora

The La Aurora brand has a rich history, founded in 1903 by Eduardo LeĂłn Jimenes in the Dominican Republic. Descended from a line of tobacco growers, the brand draws on family expertise to cultivate an international reputation.

Workforce and Expansion

The company began with six employees and has expanded over the years. Under the leadership of Guillermo LeĂłn Herbert, La Aurora continues to employ a large number of professionals and uphold principles such as honesty and a passion for excellence.

La Aurora Cigars

La Aurora cigars are renowned for their quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. The brand offers various types of cigar, distinguished by their geographical origin, the tobacco used, and their characteristic aromas and flavors.

Terroir and Tobacco Selection

At the heart of La Aurora products is the meticulous selection of tobacco leaves from regions renowned for their fertile soil. This rigorous selection guarantees a rich and diverse flavor profile in every cigar produced.

Manufacturing Processes

The century-old tradition of craftsmanship and technical innovation is evident in every stage of La Aurora cigar production, from drying to rolling, ensuring superior construction and a consistent tasting experience.

Cigar categories

The brand offers a variety of cigar lines, each with a unique identity based on strength, flavor profile, and complexity. Ranges include mild cigars for novices to more robust options for discerning connoisseurs.

Tasting Notes

Subtle notes of coffee, chocolate, dried fruit and spices are often evoked by connoisseurs when tasting La Aurora cigars. Each category offers a bouquet of aromas that blossoms over the course of the tasting, providing a distinct sensory experience.

Cultural Impact

La Aurora's influence on cigar culture is reflected in its global reach. The brand contributes to cigar heritage through its commitment to preserving traditional methods while embracing innovations that respect quality and history.


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