Gurkha Real - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Gurkha Real

Gurkha Real cigars are a symbol of balance between cigar-making tradition and modern innovation. Originating in Honduras, they are distinctive for their smoothness and richness. The hand-rolling process and meticulous selection of Honduran tobaccos contribute to a balanced smoking experience. Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf adds a touch of visual sweetness and a velvety texture. On tasting, smooth vanilla notes capture the essence of the flavors. Gurkha Real cigars stand out for their strong cultural heritage and innovation, offering smoke sensations that are both smooth and creamy, promising to be one of the brand's must-have mild cigars.

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Gurkha Real


Introduction to Gurkha Real cigars

The Gurkha Real cigar experience is distinguished by a harmony of smoothness and richness. These cigars are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, aligned with high standards of quality and performance.

Origins and Composition

Gurkha Real cigars have their origins in the fertile lands of Honduras. Their composition is based on a skilful blend of carefully selected Honduran tobaccos, offering a balanced, accessible smoke.

The choice of Ecuadorian wrapper in the Connecticut shade creates a first visual impression of softness. This type of leaf is renowned for its fine texture and ability to lend a subtle velvety note to the cigars it wraps.

Clothing and Crafts

Gurkha Real cigars are made using traditional methods. These cigars are hand-rolled with a precision that guarantees not only uniform combustion, but also consistency in the rendering of flavors.

Tasting notes

On the palate, Gurkha Real is characterized by smooth flavors, delicately asserting notes of vanilla. This combination offers enthusiasts a smooth, creamy smoke profile suited to the finest palates.

History & Culture

The Gurkha brand has captured the essence of cigar-making traditions while integrating a modern vision into its range. Gurkha Real cigars reflect a rich cultural heritage, carried down the centuries by cigar aficionados the world over.

The impact of Gurkha cigars on the global smoking landscape is undeniable. They embody the fusion of innovation and respect for the deep roots of the art of cigar making.


Gurkha Real cigars illustrate a balance between tradition and contemporaneity. Whether it's their geographical origin, the quality of the tobaccos used, the meticulous craftsmanship or the sensory experiences they provide, these cigars offer a nuanced and comprehensive perspective on the art of cigar making.


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