Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years - La Couronne S.A.
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Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years

The Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years is a testament to Gurkha Cigar Company's expertise in creating luxurious, limited-production cigars. Featuring a blend of Dominican fillers that have been aged for an impressive 21 years, this cigar introduces a Connecticut Shade wrapper to the Cellar Reserve line for the first time. Renowned for its smooth and creamy nuances, the Connecticut Shade wrapper adds a mild, golden elegance to the complex, nutty flavor profile that is both balanced and refined. Expertly constructed, these cigars deliver a consistent draw and burn, embodying the legacy of Gurkha's dedication to craftsmanship and their influence on the cigar industry. With its sophisticated blend and polished finish, the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years epitomizes a premium, smooth smoking experience for cigar aficionados.

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Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years


Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years Overview

Gurkha Cigar Company's commitment to excellence is evident in their Cellar Reserve line, with the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Years representing a significant addition. Sourcing the finest tobaccos, this limited production cigar incorporates Dominican filler aged for a full two decades, bringing a mature profile unmatched in many other cigars.

This line stands out for its distinguished use of a Connecticut Shade wrapper, a first for the Cellar Reserve line. Beneath this, Dominican binder and fillers contribute to a harmonious blend that is both sophisticated and balanced.

Wrapper, Binder, and Filler

The utilization of a Connecticut Shade wrapper beautifully complements the mature filler. The Connecticut Shade is known for its mild flavor and golden color, adding a smooth and creamy texture to the smoke. The Dominican binder and filler tobaccos add depth, providing not only the backbone of the cigar's structure but also a rich tapestry of flavors cultivated from the island's fertile soil.

Tasting Profile

One can expect a seamless blend of flavors, with a prominent nutty profile that wraps the palate in elegance. It's a balanced cigar with a clean finish, likely to appeal to aficionados who appreciate a smooth smoking experience without overwhelming power.

Construction and Craftsmanship

Gurkha's attention to detail is what sets them apart in the cigar industry. The Cellar Reserve 21 Years line features impeccable construction, showcasing the skilled craftsmanship that goes into rolling each cigar. Consistency in draw and burn are standards that Gurkha upholds for a premium smoking experience.

The Gurkha Legacy

Gurkha's history is steeped in the tradition of creating cigars that embody luxury and prestige. The brand has consistently innovated while holding onto the essence of what makes their cigars special. With each new addition to their portfolio, including the 21 Years Cellar Reserve, Gurkha showcases their evolution in cigar crafting and the lasting impact they have had on the cigar culture globally.


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