Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro
Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro cigars represent a profound example of cigar-making expertise. Characterized by a blend of high-quality tobaccos, these cigars are distinguished by their smoothness and aromatic complexity. Rigorous selection work ensures that only 5% of the most distinguished tobacco harvests are used.
What sets the Balmoral brand apart is its use of Brazilian "Mata Norte" tobacco, which adds a distinctive stamp to the final blend. This signature blends harmoniously with other carefully selected leaf varieties to form the cigar's filler, binder and wrapper.
Composition and Geography
Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro is crowned by a Stalk-cut San AndrĂšs sun-grown Mexican wrapper, an unusual choice that involves specific sun-drying. The wrapper comes from the Dominican Republic, more specifically from the Olor plantations, renowned for their role in supporting the cigar's structure.
The filler is made from three distinct origins: Olor from the Dominican Republic, Jalapa from Nicaragua, known for its mildness and subtle nuances, and the aforementioned Brazilian Mata Norte, responsible for the cigar's depth and aromatic intensity.
Manufacturing features
Every stage in the manufacture of Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro cigars is the subject of meticulous attention. Beginning with the cultivation and selection of the leaves, through the carefully regulated ageing process to the expert rolling, every action is thought out with the aim of achieving perfect cohesion of aromas and impeccable construction.
San AndrĂšs dark wrapper is harvested using the 'stalk-cut' method, which means that the whole plant is cut and dried, preserving more of the rich sap in the leaves. This technique produces a wrapper with pronounced nuances and a strong presence on the palate.
Taste and Flavor Profile
Tasting a Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro cigar is characterized by dense, rich smoke. Contrary to what the dark color of the wrapper might suggest, the power is balanced and controlled, allowing the various notes to express themselves fully without overwhelming the palate.
Typical notes range from woody to leathery, with hints of spice and an underlying sweetness provided by Jalapa tobacco. This combination of flavors creates a complex tasting profile, ideal for both special occasions and everyday enjoyment by discerning connoisseurs.
Traditions and Innovations
The world of cigars is rich in tradition, and Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro cigars are no exception. While respecting the processes and heritage of cigar making, Balmoral does not hesitate to innovate. Whether by using less conventional tobacco varieties or experimenting with different curing methods, the brand strives to renew the tasting experience.
By combining respect for traditional methods with innovative approaches, Balmoral has succeeded in influencing cigar culture. Anejo XO Oscuro embodies the quest for perfection that characterizes the estate's constant evolution.