History and origins of AVO cigars
AVO's entry onto the cigar scene is the story of a passion shared between music and fine tobacco leaves. Avo Uvezian, a talented musician, has consolidated his reputation in the world of exceptional tobacco through his own creations, designed in the Dominican Republic. This country, renowned for its terroir conducive to the cultivation of premium tobacco, has become the cradle of the AVO brand.
Composition and quality
AVO cigars are renowned for their rigorous selection of filler tobacco. The process of storage until full maturity ensures the original expression of each leaf. The recipe for AVO cigars includes a specially fermented Piloto Cubano tobacco, a Villa Gonzalez Dominican Olor wrapper and a premium Connecticut Shade wrapper.
Manufacturing features
The manufacture of AVO cigars emphasizes precision craftsmanship and traditional know-how. The brand has carved out a significant place for itself in the industry by respecting an age-old art while incorporating production methods that benefit from scientific advances in tobacco growing and harvesting.
Flavor profile
Fans of AVO cigars expect a complex, refined flavor profile. True to the brand's commitment to quality, the flavor notes are harmonious, balanced and reflect the aromatic richness of carefully selected and aged Dominican tobacco.
Cultural impact and evolution
The AVO brand has become an integral part of the cultural heritage of cigar addiction worldwide. Each cigar in this line embodies an era, a style, and reflects the constant evolution of cigar smokers' tastes and expectations. The synergy with music, the cornerstone of the brand's philosophy, continues to resonate in each carefully hand-rolled stick.