AVO Éditions limitées - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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AVO Limited Editions

AVO limited edition cigars are exceptional creations for discerning connoisseurs in search of unique flavors. Handcrafted production and rigorous selection of tobaccos from diverse terroirs such as the Dominican Republic ensure that each edition has its own unique character. Advanced fermentation and aging techniques give rise to mature, balanced aromas, while a diversity of taste notes, from spicy to chocolatey, enrich the tasting experience. These cigars exemplify the fusion of tradition and innovation, capturing the evolution of the cigar art while paying tribute to the richness of their heritage. They have influenced cigar culture by celebrating excellence and creativity.

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AVO Limited Editions


Introduction to AVO limited edition cigars

AVO limited edition cigars are aimed at cigar aficionados looking for a unique tasting experience. These cigars are crafted with meticulous attention to detail and quality, making each edition special and unique.

Tobacco origin and selection

AVO limited editions use tobacco from a variety of origins. This creates blends with distinct profiles, often characterized by complexity and balance. Terroirs from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Peru, among others, are used in these editions.

Manufacturing processes

The process of crafting these editions generally involves prolonged fermentation and aging, allowing the flavors to marry and mature. The use of meticulously selected cape leaves confirms the brand's commitment to excellence.

Tasting notes

Each AVO limited edition is designed to offer a remarkable taste experience. Profiles vary, sometimes featuring spicy notes, other times chocolatey or earthy, depending on the specific blend used for each edition.

Heritage and evolution

The history of AVO cigars is woven from tradition and innovation, with each limited edition celebrating creativity and craftsmanship. These collections capture the constant evolution of the art of cigar making, while remaining true to the roots of their heritage.

The cultural impact of AVO cigars

AVO limited editions have enriched cigar culture by introducing bold, refined blends. They are considered by connoisseurs around the world to represent the highest level of craftsmanship in the cigar industry.


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