Introduction to AVO Classic cigars
The AVO Classic series is renowned for its well-balanced tobacco blend, providing cigar aficionados with a smooth, spicy flavor profile. Developed by renowned musician and composer Avo Uvezian in collaboration with master blender Hendrik Kelner, this range combines tradition and quality in every module.
AVO Classic cigars draw their sweetness from the carefully selected Connecticut wrapper, while their rich aroma is the result of a long tobacco leaf maturation process. Suitable for amateurs and seasoned aficionados alike, these cigars are available in a variety of formats, offering a diverse tasting experience.
Origin and production
Produced in the Dominican Republic, AVO Classic benefits from the region's expertise and ideal climatic conditions for growing tobacco. The selection of leaves, from a variety of local and international regions, is rigorous to ensure impeccable consistency and quality from one cigar to the next.
The manufacturing process combines modern methods with artisanal techniques handed down from generation to generation, which is reflected in the precise rolling and uniform burning of each cigar.
Profile and Flavors
AVO Classic cigars offer a medium-bodied flavor profile, friendly to a wide range of preferences. Cigar lovers can expect creamy notes, accompanied by a subtle touch of spice and hazelnut, balanced by a delicate sweetness. The smoke is unctuous and the draw consistent throughout the entire line.
The aromatic experience is the result of the harmonious integration of different tobacco varieties, where complex nuances echo the simplicity sought by Avo Uvezian himself.
Variety of Modules
The diversity of vitolas (formats) within the AVO Classic series allows smokers to choose according to their preference of smoking time and intensity. From the Robusto to the "No. 2" format, each size has been designed to suit different moments, whether for a short break or a longer, more immersive experience.
Each format offers a balanced distribution between length and diameter, affecting the burn rate and complexity of flavors perceived during tasting.
Evolution and Worldwide Appreciation
Since its creation, the AVO Classic series has made cigar history through its accessibility and consistent quality. Avo Uvezian, after a career as a musician, sought to compose a "symphony" of flavors, and in doing so built a world-renowned brand.
AVO's influence and the success of its classics continue to shape the cigar industry, offering connoisseurs experiences that celebrate the richness of cigar art and the conviviality it inspires.