Cigares Ashton - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Ashton cigars, established in 1985 by Robert Levin, reflect the heritage and quality of Dominican tobacco. With six unique series: Classic, Aged Maduro, VSG, ESG, Cabinet and Heritage Puro Sol, each offers distinct taste experiences thanks to wrappers from Connecticut, Ecuador or the Dominican Republic. Close collaboration with the Fuente family has enabled the brand to distinguish itself in the elaboration of renowned cigars, combining tradition and innovation, and to become an icon in the cigar world.

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Introduction to Ashton cigars

Ashton cigars are synonymous with refinement and quality. Founded in 1985 by Robert Levin, the brand quickly consolidated its position through collaboration with the Fuente family, renowned for their expertise in the cigar industry.

Distinguished by their composition of Dominican tobacco for the filler and binder, and various origins for the wrapper, Ashton cigars offer a diversified palette of flavors and a profile accessible to novices and enlightened connoisseurs alike.

Ashton Classic

The 'Classic' line embodies Ashton's traditional expression. This cigar is wrapped in a carefully selected Connecticut Shade wrapper, encompassing a harmonious blend of Dominican filler and wrapper. Tasters will find creamy, subtle notes for a smooth, balanced experience.

Ashton Aged Maduro

'Aged Maduro' is prized for its rich wrapper fermented longer, giving it its characteristic color and deep flavors. The Dominican tobacco leaves inside add complexity and sweetness, offering aromas of coffee, chocolate and a light natural sweetness.

Ashton Virgin Sun Grown (VSG)

The 'Virgin Sun Grown' series, or 'VSG', features an Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper around a rich Dominican tripe. This combination creates a robust profile with spicy, woody notes, and a perceptible strength that nuances as you sip.

Ashton Estate Sun Grown (ESG)

Estate Sun Grown, or 'ESG', offers a unique experience with a wrapper harvested from the Fuente family's private field in the Dominican Republic. The blend selected for the tripe and sous-cape gives ESG notes of roasted nuts, sweet spices and a rich aromatic bouquet.

Ashton Cabinet

Cabinet' is the line distinguished by its extended aging method and its use of up to seven different tobaccos in the filler. This line is well known for its aromas of cedar, cream and vanilla, which harmonize with a Connecticut wrapper or sometimes an Ecuador wrapper for added complexity.

Ashton Heritage Puro Sol

The 'Heritage Puro Sol' testifies to Ashton's commitment to artisanal tradition, using exclusively Sun Grown whole leaf tobacco. These cigars are distinguished by their Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, offering a vibrant blend of flavors such as leather, dried fruit and a touch of cocoa.


Each Ashton cigar line offers a distinct adventure, reflecting the terroirs and sophisticated manufacturing methods that cigar aficionados have come to love. Ashton continues to contribute to cigar culture with a heritage that values innovation as much as tradition. Explore these ranges to discover the quality and care that goes into every single volute.


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