Ashton Virgin Sun Grown - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Ashton Virgin Sun Grown

The Ashton Virgin Sun Grown (VSG) series is renowned for its distinctive sun-grown Ecuadorian wrapper, which is cultivated in the open without traditional shading. This results in an impressively aromatic and rich tobacco with an oily texture. These wrappers are meticulously fermented by the Oliva family, providing an excellent basis for blending by Carlos Fuente using tobaccos from Chateau de la Fuente. To achieve harmony in flavors, the cigars undergo at least six months of aging before export. The VSG line delivers a strong, complex flavor profile across various sizes, with the 'Spellbound' offering an even broader range. Emphasizing quality, the 'Sorcerer' format provides an outstanding value proposition. Living up to the heritage of tobacco cultivation, Ashton VSG cigars reflect the fusion of tradition and innovation in cigar culture.

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Ashton Virgin Sun Grown


Overview of Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Cigars

The Ashton Virgin Sun Grown (VSG) series marks a distinctive departure from the classic Ashton cigars lineup. Renowned for their unique wrapper, these cigars feature a sun-grown Ecuadorian leaf, which is cultivated openly, eschewing the traditional "tapado" or cheesecloth shading. This farming technique yields a wrapper with a remarkable aromatic range and a rich, oily texture.

Sourced from the Oliva family's farms, these wrappers undergo a meticulous fermentation and re-fermentation process designed to unlock their aromatic potential. This provides a solid foundation for Carlos Fuente's creativity in blending the cigars' filler, which includes tobaccos from the esteemed Chateau de la Fuente. The maturity of the flavors is ensured by a minimum of 6 months of aging before the cigars are exported.

The Wrapper: Sun-Grown in Ecuador

Ecuador's unique climate conditions lend the Ashton VSG cigars their distinctive wrapper, a feature that significantly influences the flavor profile. Sun-grown without 'tapado' coverings, the leaves capture the full intensity of the sun, resulting in a robust and flavorful wrapper that stands as a defining characteristic of these cigars.

The Binder and Filler: Dominican Mastery

Continuing the high standards, the binder and the filler tobaccos are sourced from the Dominican Republic, with a particular focus on those from the Chateau de la Fuente. This selection aligns with the potent character of the wrapper, ensuring a consistency in strength and complexity throughout the cigar's composition.

Flavor Profile and Aromatic Range

We can expect a broad spectrum of aromas from the Ashton VSG series, with the potential for notes that are both rich and nuanced. While each size and shape in this line may offer a slightly different experience, they all share the same foundational flavor profile, characterized by depth and harmony. The 'Spellbound' format, in particular, is noted for its expansive flavor profile.

Quality and Value: The Sorcerer's Offering

Among the various formats offered in the VSG series, the 'Sorcerer' stands out for its particularly favorable quality-to-price ratio. It offers aficionados a balanced and accessible entry point into the rich aromatic world of Ashton's sun-grown offerings.

A History of Cigar Culture

Cigars, like those from the Ashton VSG series, embody the evolving heritage of tobacco cultivation and cigar manufacturing. The partnership between the Oliva family and Carlos Fuente for the production of these cigars is a testament to the ongoing collaboration and innovation that characterizes the industry. This lineage and the commitment to craftsmanship continue to impact global cigar culture, reflecting both tradition and contemporary trends.


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