Ashton Classic - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Ashton Classic

The Ashton Classic cigar range, crafted since 1985, is a partnership between Robert G. Levin and Carlito Fuente. Emphasizing finesse, these cigars feature true Connecticut wrappers-rare in the industry-sourced from Connecticut rather than the commonly used Ecuadorian-grown varieties, thus avoiding a bitter taste. Carefully blended with the finest aromatic Dominican fillers and binders, Ashton Classic offers balance, character, and smoothness. This brand successfully bridges traditional cigar-making with modern needs, appealing to both beginners and aficionados. Renowned for this harmonious balance, Ashton Classic signifies a high standard in craftsmanship and the enduring legacy of cigar culture.

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Ashton Classic


Introduction to Ashton Classic Cigars

Exploring the realm of fine cigars, the Ashton Classic series emerges as a noteworthy entry. With a heritage rooted in collaboration and craftsmanship, these cigars present a profile that's both rich in tradition and flavor.

The Origin and Evolution

Established in 1985, the partnership between second-generation cigar merchant Robert G. Levin and Carlito Fuente marked the birth of the Ashton brand. Selecting the Dominican Republic as the base for production, they committed to using only premium local tobacco leaves for a distinctive blend.

The Connecticut Wrapper

The Ashton Classic line is distinguished by its use of a genuine Connecticut wrapper, one of the few remaining true to its origin in the market today. Grown in Connecticut, this wrapper's characteristics differ notably from Connecticut-seed varieties cultivated elsewhere, primarily in Ecuador, often resulting in a subtler bitterness.

Dominican Craftmanship

As for the binder and filler, the cigars utilize Dominican tobacco renowned for its aromatic qualities. The selection and combination of these tobaccos are meticulously managed to achieve the desired balance of complexity and character within the cigar blend.

Tasting Notes

Upon savoring an Ashton Classic, aficionados can expect a harmonious blend of flavors. The true "Connecticut-Connecticut" wrapper imparts a silky smoothness, a hallmark of this line, which pairs harmoniously with the rich and intricate notes of the Dominican internals.

Manufacturing Processes

Ashton Classic cigars are produced with great attention to detail, ensuring consistency and quality. The traditional methods employed in their creation are a testament to the brand's commitment to maintaining high standards in cigar manufacturing.

Blending Traditions with Innovations

While Ashton Classic cigars honor traditional cigar-making practices, they also embrace modern techniques. This blend of old and new ensures the longevity and relevance of the brand in the evolving world of cigar aficionados.

Cultural Impact

In the broader context of tobacco culture, the Ashton Classic series has established itself as an exemplar of refined taste. Its impact is reflected in the appreciation it receives from both newcomers to cigar smoking and seasoned connoisseurs. Their offering serves as an elegant bridge between time-honored traditions and the palates of today's cigar enthusiasts.

Signature Offerings

The Ashton Classic lineup includes a variety of sizes and formats, allowing enthusiasts to experience the blend in multiple forms. Each variation provides a subtly different smoking experience, while remaining true to the brand's core properties.


The Ashton Classic series holds a respected position in the cigar industry, earned through consistent quality and a clear respect for cigar-making artistry. Its particular use of the Connecticut wrapper married with Dominican tobaccos creates a profile that is both approachable for the novice and deeply satisfying for the connoisseur.


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