History of Quintero Cigars
The origins of Quintero cigars date back to 1924, in Cienfuegos, a strategic Cuban port. These cigars are named after their founder Agustin Quintero, who, with the support of his brother, initiated cigar production by hand. The brand expanded significantly in 1940 with the involvement of their elder brother, leading to the creation of Quintero y Hermano. Intended primarily for the Spanish market, these cigars have evolved from mechanical production to hand-rolling since the 1980s.
Characteristics of Quintero cigars
Quintero distinguishes itself by manufacturing its cigars in short filler, a process that involves using tobacco leaves of varying lengths. This distinguishes them from long filler cigars, and gives them a specific texture and taste. These cigars are appreciated for their value for money, appealing to those looking for cigars that are easy to enjoy without compromising the budget.
Quintero London Extra
Quintero Londres Extra' is a small, handy format, available in boxes of 25. This habano is an ideal option for short tastings, with a blend of selected tobaccos of outstanding quality from Cuba's Vuelta Abajo region, known for its fertile soils perfect for growing tobacco.
Quintero Favoritos
Available in packs of 5 or 25 cigars, the 'Quintero Favoritos' offers a longer tasting experience and a more generous dimension. This robusto benefits from a blend of Cuban tobacco and a hand-rolling process that fully reproduces the earthy notes and subtle coffee nuances characteristic of Quintero cigars.
Quintero Tubulares
Quintero Tubulares are presented in tubes, ideal for storing and transporting individual cigars. Sold in packs of 3 or 15, these cigars in tubo format prolong the tasting experience thanks to their balanced roasting and their nuanced aromas of wood and leather, typical of the brand.
Quintero Panetelas
The 'Quintero Panetelas' has an elongated silhouette and a narrower diameter. These cigars, sold in boxes of 25, are suitable for those who appreciate lighter, shorter smoking sessions. The Panetela offers a delicate taste accompanied by homogeneous construction and consistent draw.
Impact on Cigar Culture
Quintero cigars, with their rich history and diversity of formats, actively contribute to Cuban cigar culture and its international influence. Renowned for their unpretentious quality and meticulous craftsmanship, Quintero cigars allow cigar lovers to enjoy a slice of Cuban heritage without the costs usually associated with high-end habanos.