Introduction to cigars José L. Piedra
José L. Piedra cigars carry the story of a rich Cuban tradition, with roots going back to the late 19th century. These cigars are made with leaves from Vuelta Abajo, a region renowned for its exceptional tobacco-growing terroir.
Origin and heritage
Relocated to Cuba near Santa Clara, the Piedra family has devoted itself to growing tobacco and making cigars. In doing so, they have established a brand that is now part of the Cuban heritage.
Manufacturing and quality
Led by José Lamadrid Piedra, the second generation of this line of torcedores, the brand has expanded while maintaining an entirely manual manufacturing process. Combining accessibility and quality, these cigars are crafted to offer a robust experience at an affordable price.
Aromatic profile
The José L. Piedra cigar is characterized by a medium-bodied to strong taste, reflecting the typical Vuelta Abajo character. Careful selection of tobacco leaves gives each module an authentic bouquet of flavors.
The range
The brand offers six different modules, each hand-crafted to satisfy a range of cigar-lover preferences.
Appreciation and popularity
Although positioned as a more affordable option on the market, these cigars have won appreciation for their intensity and consistency of quality. José L. Piedra continues to enjoy popularity among those seeking to discover the essence of the Cuban cigar.