History and heritage
The El Rey Del Mundo brand, founded in 1848 by Emilio Ohmstedt, is one of the oldest in the world of Cuban cigars. Initially modest, it became famous thanks to Antonio Allones, who took over the brand in 1870 and focused on quality Vuelta Abajo tobacco.
The company subsequently had several owners, including the Diaz Hermanos y Cia, and continued to prosper, maintaining its status as a premium cigar throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, El Rey Del Mundo cigars are renowned for their quality and remain sought-after by cigar aficionados the world over.
Philosophy and approach
El Rey Del Mundo has always been synonymous with excellence and tradition. By focusing on quality rather than quantity, this brand offers a tasting experience that is the result of intricate craftsmanship. Each cigar is crafted with meticulous attention to detail.
The exclusive use of Vuelta Abajo tobacco ensures rich flavor and consistent quality. It is this commitment to excellence that has solidified El Rey Del Mundo's reputation through the ages.
Production and product range
El Rey Del Mundo offers a wide range of cigars, each with its own specific characteristics. The limited production ensures exclusivity and care for each series.
Recent editions like the El Rey Del Mundo 170 Aniversario Humidor Replica Antigua highlight heritage and innovation, while the El Rey Del Mundo Petit Cayo EdiciĂłn Regional Andorra 2018 reflects the diversity of terroir and manufacturing practices.
Special features
El Rey Del Mundo cigars are characterized by impeccable construction and a complex flavor profile. They offer rich, balanced notes that can vary from one series to the next, while maintaining a premium quality.
Some series, such as the El Rey Del Mundo Demi Tasse, are suitable for short but richly flavored tastings, demonstrating the brand's ability to adapt to the varied preferences of cigar enthusiasts.
A place in cigar culture
El Rey Del Mundo has played an influential role in cigar culture. It has been cited by famous connoisseurs, such as Zino Davidoff, and has influenced the evolution of cigar preferences through the decades.
Despite changing trends, with a preference for stronger style cigars, El Rey Del Mundo has maintained its place, representing both Cuban heritage and adaptation to modern tastes.