Inheritance and property
Cubatabaco, having started out as the owner of Cuban cigar brands, represents a founding element in the world of cigars. Originally from Cuba, the company laid the foundation stone for what would become an important legacy. Today, it retains ownership of Cuban cigar brands, leaving its mark on the industry.
Transition to Habanos SA
In 1994, a major organizational change took place with the creation of Habanos SA. This new group took over responsibility for sales, focusing on the international marketing of Cuban cigars. This strategic pivot helped strengthen the global presence of these Cuban products.
Tabacuba and manufacturing
The manufacturing process was entrusted to Tabacuba in 2001, a company that infuses the production of Cuban cigars with distinct rigor and know-how. This step was decisive in guaranteeing consistent quality and meeting the expectations of cigar aficionados.
Geographical identification and tobacco types
Cubatabaco cigars are synonymous with Cuban identity. The Vuelta Abajo region is particularly renowned for its exceptional terroir, which enables high-quality tobacco to be grown. Cuban tobacco is renowned for its rich body and complex aromas, the result of an ideal climate and soil.
Manufacturing features
Cubatabaco cigars are made using traditional methods handed down through generations. Careful leaf selection, hand-rolling by experienced torcedores, and a controlled aging process are crucial aspects that define the quality of these cigars.
Tasting notes
Cubatabaco's Cuban cigars offer a complex aromatic palette. Typical notes include cocoa, leather, earth and a certain natural sweetness. The balance between strength and aroma makes each tasting a richly nuanced experience.
Culture and global impact
Cubatabaco cigars are not just consumer products; they represent a cultural element of Cuba. Their renown in the cigar world has influenced the perception and expectations associated with the experience of smoking a premium cigar. This influence can be seen in the consistently high international demand for Cubatabaco cigars, and the deep respect that cigar aficionados have for Cuban tradition.