Beyond Barrel - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Beyond Barrel

Beyond Barrel is an expression of craftsmanship and tradition, reflecting a passion for carefully aged Central American rums. Distilled in regions such as Panama and Jamaica, these rums gain in complexity and character over time. Associated with Cuban rum legend Don Pancho, Beyond Barrel promises quality and exclusivity, with each barrel representing a legacy of luxury. This is not just a rum, but a tasty experience that combines pleasure and values, inviting you on a journey through its rich aromas and fascinating history of courage and contrasts.

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Beyond Barrel


Introduction to Beyond Barrel

Beyond Barrel represents a category of rum closely linked to cigar culture, thanks to its distinctive ageing qualities and aromatic profiles. This confluence of traditions can be particularly appreciated by cigar enthusiasts looking for a complementary sensory experience to their smoking.

Geographical origin and manufacturing

Beyond Barrel rums come from various regions of Central America, including Panama, Barbados, Belize, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. Their distillation process is based on artisanal methods and manufacturing secrets handed down by expert Don Pancho, ensuring high-quality products.

Rum flavor profile for cigar aficionados

The complex, balanced flavor profile of Beyond Barrel rum, characterized by its sweetness, spiciness and roundness, blends harmoniously with a variety of cigars. This complementarity offers tasters an enriched experience and a dialogue between beverage and cigar.

Tobacco type and characteristics

When selecting cigars to enjoy with Beyond Barrel rum, factors such as the origin of the tobacco, the type of leaves used and the construction of the cigar play a crucial role. Cigars from the same region as the rum can offer perfect harmony, while geographical diversity can present contrasting but complementary pairings.

Cultures and innovations in the cigar industry

The cigar business is constantly enriched by traditions handed down and innovations. Beyond Barrel, through its association with Don Pancho and its aged rums, reflects this balance between respect for traditional know-how and the adoption of innovative practices.

Impact on cigar culture

The partnership between the cigar and rum industries creates a cultural dynamic in which each product enhances the other. Beyond Barrel, with its strongly flavored aged rums, contributes to this culture by adding an extra dimension to cigar tasting sessions around the world.


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