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Cigar cases

The cigar case, an elegant and indispensable accessory for cigar lovers, offers protection and freshness while embodying refinement and social status. Renowned brands such as S.T. Dupont, Davidoff, Zino and Griffins are celebrated for their expertise, combining functionality and design in cases for up to three cigars. Various materials, such as luxurious leather and resistant carbon fiber, are selected for their durability and style. Precise construction ensures ideal humidity and security for cigars on the move. With a tendency to combine innovation and tradition, modern cigar cases meet today's needs while honoring traditional methods, emerging as cultural symbols of identity and prestige.

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Cigar cases


Introduction to cigar cases

The cigar case is an essential accessory for every aficionado. It protects cigars from physical damage and preserves their freshness. More than just a utilitarian object, the cigar case has become a symbol of elegance and refinement over the years.

Renowned brands

Houses such as S.T. Dupont and Davidoff represent the pinnacle of luxury in cigar case design. These brands, renowned for their quality and craftsmanship, offer products that combine functionality and aesthetics. Others, such as Zino and Griffins, are also appreciated for the quality of their cases, available to accommodate one, two or three cigars.

Diversity of materials

The choice of materials for cigar cases is vast. Some are made from high-quality leather, offering a touch of class and a certain robustness. Others use modern materials such as carbon fiber, chosen for its lightness and strength. Each material brings specific qualities in terms of appearance and cigar protection.

Design and capacity

The construction of a cigar case must ensure a hermetic seal to maintain the required humidity. Capacity generally varies from one to three cigars, allowing users to choose the size to suit their needs. Cigar cases from brands such as Savinelli and Lubinski are designed to keep cigars safe during transport without compromising their integrity.

Innovation in tradition

While brands like Recife focus on respecting traditional methods, innovation plays an increasing role in cigar case design. New designs and enhanced features, such as RFID protection, show that the industry continues to evolve, meeting modern needs while honoring the cigar's heritage.

Cultural impact

Cigar cases have evolved over the centuries, reflecting changes in cigar culture. The rise of cigar clubs and the growing interest in enjoying quality cigars have contributed to the popularity of these accessories. No longer merely functional, they have become expressions of personal identity and social status.


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