Ashtrays Myon - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Founded in 1919, Myon is a legendary French brand specializing in the creation of accessories for cigar enthusiasts. Known for its expertise and commitment to quality, Myon offers a collection of refined, functional items. The carefully-crafted selection includes elegant lighters with extra features such as cookie cutters and stone cases, as well as cigar cases crafted to ensure optimum preservation. In addition, Myon's robust and aesthetically pleasing ceramic ashtrays complete the cigar smoker's experience, while humidors equipped with humidification systems ensure the preservation of the tobacco's complex flavors. Myon embodies the prestige and passion of cigars, radiating the excellence of French know-how through its top-of-the-range products available on

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A French heritage in the world of cigars

Myon, a renowned brand established in 1919, is dedicated to cigar lovers who appreciate tradition and functionality. A native of France, Myon has stood the test of time by cultivating a precious know-how in cigar accessories.

Myon selection

Myon's range encompasses a variety of items for cigar aficionados. Highlighted for their quality and functionality, these accessories are the result of a meticulous selection of top-of-the-range materials, combining aesthetics and simplicity.

Lighters and cookie cutters

Myon's range of lighters is distinguished by its utility and elegance. Some models include practical features such as a cookie cutter and a stone case, ensuring maximum comfort for the cigar smoker's experience.

Cigar cases

Myon cigar cases are designed for optimum protection and storage of cigars. Carefully crafted, these cases not only guarantee the safety of the precious modules, but also keep them in ideal condition thanks to the use of appropriate materials.

Ceramic ashtrays

Myon ceramic ashtrays are both robust and elegant, featuring a design that complements the cigar experience. The choice of ceramic reflects Myon's commitment to durable and aesthetically pleasing products.

Cigar humidors

Myon humidors, equipped with hygrometers and humidifiers, are essential for any serious collector. They enable cigars to be kept in a controlled environment, preserving the tobacco's authentic aromas and flavours.


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