Explore the art of tasting with the Arturo Fuente Hemingway discovery package
Cigar tradition and craftsmanship take on a seductive form with the Arturo Fuente Hemingway discovery offer (5×3). This selection invites you on a gustatory journey through a varied collection. Aimed at enriching the palate of cigar aficionados and educating those new to the art, this offer is the perfect introduction to the complexity of Dominican cigars.
A range of flavours and formats
Each cigar included in this collection is a sample of the aromatic richness and craftsmanship that characterize Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars. With multiple sizes and tasting times, the set offers a palette of flavors for varied moments of relaxation. The selection includes :
- 3 cigarsArturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story
- 3 cigarsArturo Fuente Hemingway Best Seller
- 3 cigarsArturo Fuente Hemingway Work Of Art
- 3 cigarsArturo Fuente Hemingway Signature
- 3 cigarsArturo Fuente Hemingway Classic
Tobacco blend and manufacturing method
The discovery offer features cigars made from a meticulously selected blend of Dominican tobacco leaves. Each cigar is hand-rolled, reflecting a manufacturing method handed down from generation to generation. The result is impeccable construction and consistent quality, the cornerstones of Arturo Fuente's reputation.
Brand heritage
Arturo Fuente, synonymous with tradition in the cigar world, is proud of its remarkable history. The discovery offer carries the spirit of innovation and excellence that has characterized the brand for over a century, offering connoisseurs the chance to discover or rediscover the timeless Hemingway series.
Regions of origin and strength of aromas
From the fertile soil of the Dominican Republic, each creation reflects the soul of its region of origin. From mild to medium-strong, the range offers a variety of tasting experiences, allowing you to grasp the subtlety and power behind each tobacco leaf.
Visual and sensory details
The experience begins at first sight: the cigars present themselves with understated elegance, leading to a visual appreciation of the amber color and silky texture of the wrappers. Once lit, they reveal harmonious aromas that testify to the quality of the leaves used and the care taken in their selection.