Design and functionality
The Davidoff Travel Humidor Business 2024 is designed to accompany cigar lovers on business trips. Its navy blue front and contrasting patterned interior add a note of refinement while remaining discreet and functional.
Structure and materials
The materials used for this travel humidor offer flexibility to suit different cigar formats. The corrugated design effectively protects your precious cigars from potential impacts on the move. What's more, there are no seams; the elements are welded together, ensuring the humidity stability needed to preserve your cigars.
Capacity and compartments
The Davidoff Travel Humidor Business 2024 can accommodate up to eight cigars, depending on their size. It features special pockets for essential accessories such as a lighter and cigar cutter, and also includes space for business cards, reinforcing its role as a business travel accessory.
Care and durability
Designed to last, this humidor includes a microfiber fabric for easy cleaning and impeccable appearance. The multi-layer laminated fabric also guarantees a long service life, for use that's as durable as the pleasures it preserves.