A blend of tradition and craftsmanship
In celebration of the S.T Dupont brand's 150th anniversary, Humidor Montecristo L'Esprit "La Nuit" represents a link between craftsmanship and the cigar's iconic Cuban heritage. The careful integration of this expertise is reflected in each of the 50 Preciosos cigars, offering an experience as rich in history as it is in flavor.
Inspired design and choice materials
The design of the Humidor Montecristo L'Esprit "La Nuit" captures the brilliance of nocturnal hues and the depth of the mysteries narrated in Dumas's 'Le Comte de Montecristo'. Its meticulous finishing and attention to visual detail underline the quality of its design, offering enthusiasts an object as pleasing to contemplate as it is to use.
A blend of original tobaccos
The Preciosos cigars nestled inside promise a captivating tasting experience. With an exclusive selection of leaves from Cuba for the wrapper, binder and filler, the Montecristo L'Esprit humidor is a tribute to Cuban terroir and its unrivalled influence on the cigar world.
Portrait of a well-structured cigar
Montecristo L'Esprit comes in Toro format, with a length of 145 mm and a considerable diameter of 19.8 mm. Its smoking time, estimated at between 45 and 60 minutes, is an invitation to slow down and soak up every moment.
A balanced, complex flavor profile
The aromatic palette of these cigars evokes a precise delicacy, oscillating between sweet and toasty notes, reinforced by woody touches and a slight spicy impression. The third stroke reveals more character, anchoring sensations deep in the smoker's memory.
Exclusivity and numbered authenticity
In addition to its visual and gustatory appeal, the Montecristo L'Esprit "La Nuit" humidor is distinguished by its exclusivity. With only 200 available worldwide, each numbered piece becomes a sought-after collector's item for connoisseurs and lovers of exceptional cigars.