A celebration of tradition and mastery
The Davidoff Limited Edition Year of the Dragon 2024 marks a new milestone in the age-old art of cigar making, a masterpiece that embodies the golden age of hand-rolled tobacco. Crafted with meticulous precision and unwavering passion, this cigar illustrates Davidoff's commitment to perpetuating a heritage of excellence.
Presentation and aesthetics
The cigar is unveiled in a lushly finished box, evoking the immemorial nobility of the dragon in Chinese culture. With an uncut foot, each cigar promises a singular introduction to its tasting, offering a few inches of pure discovery before meeting the refined wrapper.
Harmony of flavours
The Year of the Dragon's palette unfurls a tapestry of earthy nuances, mingling with woody and herbaceous essence. This opening prepares the palate for an aromatic ballet in which walnuts melt into unctuous wisps of cream and licorice, followed by an evolution towards sweet honey, subtle white pepper and revitalizing citrus zest.
A remarkable blend
This creation incorporates eight carefully selected tobacco varieties, with a combined age of 60 years, revealing Davidoff's signature art of blending and rolling. Each leaf has been selected to enshrine a symphony of strength and sweetness, a distinctive property of exceptional tobaccos.
Technical details
With its calculated dimensions of 190mm in length and 20mm in diameter, this Double Corona is a testament to the manual mastery of torcedores. Its smoking time, estimated at between 80 and 100 minutes, enables prolonged immersion in the elegance of its aromas. This cigar is generously placed under the banner of medium strength, welcoming a variety of palates.
A limited edition
The Year of the Dragon offer is confined to 19,500 boxes across the orbis, giving each piece an almost exclusive character. Holders of this limited edition become the guardians of rare moments, forged by know-how handed down through generations.