Davidoff signature exquisitos: a companion of choice
Davidoff Signature Exquisitos, at the peak of their form, represent a wise offer for the cigar lover in search of a refined experience in a short space of time. This cigarillo is designed to satisfy the palette with nuanced flavors, offering a fully developed taste experience without requiring more than a moment.
Taste at the heart of the experience
Each Davidoff Signature Exquisitos contains a balanced blend of premium tobaccos, carefully selected for their distinctive characteristics. Rated as medium strength, this cigarillo is halfway between sweetness and intensity, offering a harmony of flavors accessible to connoisseurs and initiates alike.
Designed for distinction
The way this cigarillo is made is a true demonstration of Davidoff's superior craftsmanship. The small dimensions of this creation don't compromise attention to detail: at 93mm long with a modest diameter of 8.66mm, the Exquisitos is distinguished by a format that requires exceptional technical mastery on the part of its torcedors.
The expression of a rich heritage
Behind every Davidoff Signature Exquisitos is a story rich in ingenuity and tradition. These cigarillos are the fruit of a decades-long heritage, an expertise handed down through generations. They are a silent testimony to the evolution of tobacco lovers' tastes and preferences.
Provenance and palette
The tobaccos rigorously selected for Exquisitos come from the best growing regions, where soil and climate conditions are ideal for cultivating the highest quality tobacco. These delicate ingredients are woven together in perfect balance to create an authentic, consistent flavor profile.
A look at aesthetics
The appearance of Davidoff Signature Exquisitos is as meticulous as its flavors. Golden brown with a smooth finish, it manages to impress at first glance. The packaging carries the Davidoff emblem with understated elegance, evoking quality and prestige without ostentation.