History and heritage
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story pays tribute to the literary mastery and refined lifestyle embodied by its namesake, Ernest Hemingway. This range of cigars, whose tradition dates back to the late 20th century, celebrates excellence in the art of Dominican cigar making.
Refined design
Each cigar is a masterpiece of precision, with a deep, rich colorado wrapper. The Short Story looks like a tiny perfecto, its distinctive shape a testament to the torcedores' exceptional craftsmanship. From the velvety feel of the cape to the impeccable construction, every detail is fine-tuned to ensure a supreme smoking experience.
Flavor profile
After lighting, the first puffs reveal a harmonious blend of medium strength, enveloping the palate in earthy, woody nuances. Short Story is distinguished by its ability to deliver a concentrated complexity of flavors in an optimal tasting time of 15 to 30 minutes.
Balance and draft
Judged very consistent and well balanced, the Short Story offers an easy draw and even burn that appeal to aficionados and amateurs alike. Its 90 rating from Cigar Aficionado testifies to its consistent quality and smoking pleasure.
A legacy of quality
Grown in the fertile soils of the Dominican Republic, the tobaccos carefully selected for Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story are the fruit of hard work and a passion for excellence. The artisanal manufacturing method, handed down from generation to generation, gives each cigar a unique soul and story.
An affordable luxury experience
While Short Story may be a preference for those with limited time, its stature doesn't detract from the luxury of tasting it. This collector's item offers an escape, a short moment of unparalleled pleasure, accessible at any time of day.
All in all, the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story is a cigar of medium stature, ideal for those seeking a high-quality tasting experience without committing an entire hour. Its meticulous construction, balanced flavor profile and tribute to a rich heritage make it a preferred choice for the discerning enthusiast.