The design of a centenarian: Arturo Fuente Destino Al Siglo
Celebrating tradition and the anniversary of a renowned house, the Arturo Fuente Destino Al Siglo - Siglo de Familia is a masterpiece of tabacology, embodying the excellence acquired over the past century. This cigar, representative of know-how handed down from generation to generation, emanates from a particular attention to detail and quality. Its limited production makes it a natural eye-catcher for discerning cigar aficionados, and one that will occupy a special place in their selection.
A blend of robustness and finesse
The strength profile is categorized as strong, placing this cigar at level five on the strength scale. A blend of carefully selected leaves brings this tobacco monument to life. Peppery aromas blend harmoniously with the richness of dark chocolate, offering a complexity that reveals leather and cocoa, punctuated by a delicately earthy touch.
The heritage of refined tasting
The construction of this cigar is an art in itself, where every element, from the cap to the wrapper, bears witness to expert craftsmanship. The prolonged ageing process, extending over a year before its introduction to the market, allows optimal maturation of the aromas, guaranteeing a memorable tasting experience. The Destino Al Siglo comes with a carefully designed casing, promising regular combustion and exemplary ash retention.
A presentation of grandeur
With a length of 156 mm and a diameter of 18.29 mm, the cigar's volume ensures an appreciable 60 to 80 minutes of pleasure. Its robe, with a hue worthy of the finest vintages, reveals a silky texture under the fingers, heralding a remarkable moment of relaxation. Each cigar is packaged to emphasize its stature, with packaging that reflects the esteem in which this triumph of Dominican culture is held.
A journey to the heart of tobacco tradition
Simply light an Arturo Fuente Destino Al Siglo and embark on a sensory journey to the heart of the Dominican Republic, home of this exceptional cigar. The result is a carefully balanced blend of tobaccos from the country's finest regions, each adding its own unique note to a symphony of depth and character.
A distinguished escape
Destino Al Siglo is much more than a fleeting pleasure; it's an invitation to reflect and appreciate the passage of time. The experience offered is one of contemplation, ideal for quiet moments or lively discussions between enthusiasts. It's a fitting choice for those who wish to revel in the present moment while paying tribute to a heritage of excellence.