A refined expression of tradition and craftsmanship
The Trinidad Reyes, presented in a special 24-unit box, stands out as a remarkable specimen of Cuban cigar art. Under a silky wrapper tinged with a rich cinnamon color, this little Corona, with its 110 mm length and 15.87 mm diameter, delivers on its promise of a moderately intense but wholly satisfying experience.
Elegance in preparation
Precise in its conception, the Trinidad Reyes offers a perfect demonstration of the expertise of the torcedores, the master cigar rollers. Each tobacco leaf is selected with rigorous meticulousness, guaranteeing an exceptional draw. This precision translates into an immediate start and a woody first impression on a note of creamy delicacy.
A sensory journey rich in nuance
As the tasting progresses, the second third evolves, presenting aromas of green pepper that intertwine harmoniously with notes of cocoa and roasted coffee. This rich array of flavors is supported by medium strength, giving the smoker depth and complexity suited to a thoughtful, sophisticated break.
An identity of purity and quality
The Trinidad Reyes is an authentic tribute to the Cuban tobacco tradition. The creators of this cigar have drawn from the fertile regions where the rich soil and ideal climate contribute to tobacco excellence. Each leaf bears witness to meticulous attention to detail, from harvesting to fermentation, ensuring unrivalled quality.
A recognized and respected heritage
Trinidad, named after the famous Cuban city, has been renowned for its exceptionally fine cigars since its introduction. The Reyes demonstrates this heritage brilliantly, offering a balanced blend that echoes the richness of its past while satisfying even the most discerning taste buds.
Presentation reflects quality
Each Trinidad Reyes exudes understated luxury from the moment it emerges from its elegant box to the moment it is fired. Its compact dimensions allow an ideal smoking time of 15 to 30 minutes, ideal for those seeking a moment of calm in a busy schedule. This cigar is a promise of precious moments, shared memories or chosen solitude.