A Cuban tradition: Romeo Y Julieta Short Churchill
Finesse and richness intertwine in the Romeo Y Julieta Short Churchill, a cigar of rare elegance. It embodies a harmonious balance between tradition and excellence, with its robust construction, a format prized by cigar aficionados the world over. Each cigar is the fruit of a meticulous blend of tobaccos chosen from Cuba's finest terroirs, promising an experience rich in nuance and flavor.
Structure and dimensions
With a gauge of 50, i.e. a diameter of 19.84 mm, and a length of 124 mm, this Robusto is designed for those seeking a concise and satisfying tasting experience. Its dimensions have been designed to provide the ideal smoking time, between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on the tasting rhythm of each individual.
Profile and power
The Romeo Y Julieta Short Churchill offers moderate power in the medium category. This intensity is perfectly suited to a moment of relaxation after a meal, or to accompany a lively conversation. Aromas transition with finesse, offering a mosaic of flavors that combines nuts, dark chocolate and subtle roasted notes.
The jewel of a heritage
Since its foundation in 1875, Romeo Y Julieta has earned a reputation as a master in the art of cigar creation. Each Short Churchill is wrapped in two gold bands, the brand's classic and one that pays tribute to the Churchill series, adding visual and historical cachet. This detail testifies to the fact that this cigar belongs to an exceptional lineage.
The assurance of superior quality
Cuban craftsmanship is evident in every vein of the capote and ligero selected for this cigar. The finely rolled brown wrapper with its golden sheen attests to the particular care taken in selecting the leaves and their fermentation. A silky touch reveals a flawless texture, a sign of impeccable conservation and production.
An embrace of flavours
The palate is initially greeted by the sweetness of nutty aromas, gradually evolving towards hints of dark chocolate and roasted flavors that unfold with enviable ease. The complexity of its profile is accessibly unveiled, opening up to novices wishing to deepen their palate as well as to veterans looking for a safe, mastered cigar.