Refinement incarnate from Romeo Y Julieta Wide Churchill
The Romeo Y Julieta Wide Churchill represents the alliance of tradition and modernity in the world of Cuban cigars. Designed for those who appreciate the finesse and complexity of premium tobacco, this Churchill stands out for its impeccable construction and harmonious flavor profile.
An evocative taste experience
From the moment it is lit, Romeo Y Julieta Wide Churchill begins its tale with balanced woody notes, foreshadowing the sensory journey to come. The evolution continues, with the appearance of damp earth tones and spicy notes such as green pepper. As the cigar burns, the aroma becomes more complex with a rich roasted coffee accent, inviting contemplation with each puff.
Exceptional manufacturing
Precisely rolled, the Wide Churchill benefits from the age-old expertise of seasoned Cuban torcedores who carefully select the tobacco leaves. Each vitola is a testament to the art of cigar-making, where the craftsman's hand guarantees a firm structure and an even draw.
The legacy of Romeo Y Julieta
The story of Romeo Y Julieta Wide Churchill is intimately linked to the Cuban identity, where the passion for cigars transcends time. Each cigar is imbued with a rich cultural heritage, combined with the excellence and reputation of a brand revered since its creation in 1875.
A distinguished look
The presence of a Romeo Y Julieta Wide Churchill is immediately apparent to the naked eye. With a length of 130 mm and a diameter of 21.65 mm, its looks are as impressive as its taste. The wrapper features a rich maduro color, a smooth texture and a subtle sheen that heralds the quality of what you're about to savor.
A measured power profile
Although this cigar has an assertive presence, it falls into the medium category, allowing for in-depth tasting without the risk of saturation. It lends itself to around 45 to 60 minutes of pleasure, making it an ideal companion for enthusiasts seeking a complete experience without excess.