Cohiba Siglo 1: an incursion into excellence
The Cohiba Siglo 1 is a refined proposition in the world of Cuban cigars, featuring a vitola of modest stature and manifest elegance. Both a jewel of craftsmanship and an invitation to a select taste experience, this cigar is for those who appreciate the marriage of traditional craftsmanship and refined flavors.
Profile and construction
Renowned for its colorado claro cape, the Cohiba Siglo 1 boasts a perfect silhouette. Its Perla size, equivalent to a Petit Corona, is harmonious, measuring 102 mm in length with a size 40 ring. This format makes it possible to savor the essence of Cohiba, even during the stolen moments of everyday life, when only a brief interval is available.
A blend of exceptional tobaccos
The heart of this cigar lies in its meticulous blending of tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region, reputed to be the best terroir on the island of Cuba. Carrying with it the heritage of the Cohiba brand, Siglo 1 reveals a full, creamy smoke, the distinctive signature of meticulously selected tobacco blends.
Aromatic and taste palette
On tasting, this cigar reveals an array of aromas where roasted coffee and cocoa balance each other brilliantly, offering a suave introduction. The notes evolve towards nuances of wood and licorice, astonishing the palate with a depth reminiscent of the richness of its Cuban origins.
Combustion and smoking experience
Precisely rolled, this cigar ensures a straight burn, a symbol of its manufacturing excellence. This, combined with an estimated smoking time of between 20 and 30 minutes, makes the Cohiba Siglo 1 the ideal companion for a moment of relaxation, imbued with tradition and sophistication.
Assessment and duration
This cigar has a strength classified as 'strong', promising an unforgettable experience for both the discerning amateur and the discerning aficionado. For those seeking to capture the essence of a time well spent, the Cohiba Siglo 1 becomes the main actor of a revered moment in the day.