Cohiba robustos: a pillar of Cuban elegance
The Cohiba Robustos embodies the quintessence of Cuban cigar expertise. With its 19.84mm diameter (cepo 50) and 124mm length, this robusto offers a rich, dimensional experience with every tasting. As the flagship of the prestigious Cohiba brand, this cigar is made from a meticulous selection of tobaccos from Vuelta Abajo, Cuba's most renowned tobacco-growing region.
The soul of a Cohiba: quality above all else
The Cohiba brand is renowned for its exacting selection of tobacco leaves from the finest plantations. Each leaf used to make the Robustos undergoes additional fermentation in barrels, a process that amplifies the complexity and depth of its flavors. The result is a cigar with an impeccable draw and a creamy-textured smoke that reveals the Cohiba signature.
The symphony of aromas
From the very first whiff, Cohiba Robustos reveals a subtle blend of flavors dominated by full-bodied black honey and damp earth. This is followed by scents of vanilla, interspersed with accents of cocoa and leather in the second half, evolving towards notes of cedar and caramel. This rich, balanced panorama of flavors concludes with a peppery finish, the signature of an excellent cigar.
A remarkable construction
Crafting a Cohiba Robustos requires unfailing dexterity. Each one is hand-rolled by experienced torcedores, guaranteeing uniform combustion and a steady draw. The smooth, golden-brown wrapper invites contemplation even before lighting, testifying to the quality of the shaping and curing of the tobacco leaves.
Tasting experience
The Cohiba Robustos is designed to provide 30 to 45 minutes of enjoyment, lending itself to moments of relaxation or the accompaniment of lively discussions. With a medium wattage (3), it introduces an intensity of flavors that will charm both the enlightened amateur and the occasional smoker in search of sophistication.
The expression of a heritage
Each Cohiba Robustos is more than a cigar; it's the fruit of Cuban tradition and cultural heritage. Presented in elegant three- to five-unit boxes, they are the perfect choice for those who value uncompromising quality and aspire to immerse themselves in the aura of Cuba's finest tobaccos.