A cigar book like no other: a unique experience for cigar aficionados
Inspired by a conversation in Cuba, an ambitious project has come to life to create a unique work dedicated to the world of cigars. "The Cigar Book" is not just a book, it's a work of art. an immersive experience that challenges convention and invites thoughtful tasting.
A collaborative effort and a shared passion, this book was born in 2005 in Cuba. Six years later, it took shape in the form of 2000 copies delivered in Switzerland.
More than just a guide, "The Cigar Book is an objet d'art in its own right. Its innovative design and iconoclastic content make it a centerpiece in cigar-loving circles.
Far from being a simple read, "The Cigar Book" invites you to a complete sensory experience. Each page is an invitation to discover new flavors and appreciate the complexity of a quality cigar.
A unique creation which celebrates the world of cigars and offers cigar aficionados unforgettable experience.
Further details:
- Published by Fertilys
- Cover photo by Davolo Steiner / Model: Philippe Jeanne
- Designed by David Lartigue
- Copyright 2012