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Event davidoff torcedores on tour

A look back at the Davidoff Torcedores on Tour

3 reading minutes


On September 11, 2024, La Couronne, in partnership with Davidoff, had the pleasure of hosting an evening event at the Domaine Impérial Golf Club. This exclusive event, entitled Davidoff Torcedores on Tourbrought together a fifty cigar aficionados for a unique experience, focused on discovering the nuances between freshly-rolled and aged cigars.

We'd like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who joined us for the event. Your enthusiastic presence was the heart of this memorable evening!

The evening began with a tasting of the collection's iconic ranges White Band Davidoff, including the Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversarioand Millennium. Guests had the opportunity to savor these aged cigars, while discussing the art of tobacco maturation and the subtleties that time brings to flavors.

After enjoying a sumptuous three-course dinner, accompanied by carefully selected spirits, participants witnessed a unique moment: the live creation of the legendary Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales. This cigar, freshly rolled before their eyes by torcedor Emilio A. Ventura Jimenez (almost 15 years' experience at Davidoff), gave guests the opportunity to compare the complex flavours of a freshly rolled cigar with those of the aged cigars tasted earlier in the evening. This contrast offered an enriching perspective on the evolution of aromas over time.

In addition to the tasting sessions, each participant received a bag containing surprises, and was able to try his or her luck in a prize draw: 3 ashtrays and 1 Davidoff box were awarded to the lucky winners, adding an extra touch to this already exceptional evening.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to Davidoff for their partnership and ongoing support, as well as the teams on site: David Roux, Michel Bambula, Kerin Guscelliand the torcedor Emilio Antonio Ventura Jimenezwho honored us with his presence. Many thanks also to all the participants who made the evening so unforgettable.

For those who weren't able to join us, stay tuned for our next exclusive events. We look forward to sharing more moments of excellence with you.

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