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Tips for storing your cigars at home

Tips for storing your cigars at home

5 reading minutes


Discover our simple tips for storing your cigars at home and preserving their aromas...

Cigar enthusiasts know that proper storage is essential to preserve the aromas, freshness and quality of cigars. A poorly preserved cigar can quickly lose its flavour, become dry or, on the contrary, too humid, which has a direct impact on the enjoyment of the cigar. Understanding how to store your cigars properly at home is therefore essential to enjoy an optimal experience, even after a long period of aging. In this article, we reveal our best tips for preserving the quality of your cigars with simple means adapted to your situation.

Why is it important to store cigars properly?

Cigars are handcrafted products made from carefully selected tobacco leaves, fermented and rolled by hand. Tobacco is an organic material, extremely sensitive to variations in temperature and humidity. When stored in poor conditions, cigars can deteriorate rapidly:

  • Lack of humidity: When a cigar dries out, it loses its essential oils, which considerably impoverishes its aromas and alters its taste. In addition, the wrapper becomes brittle and fragile, compromising the cigar's structural integrity.
  • Excess humidity: Cigars that are too damp can develop mould. Excess humidity also makes it difficult to draw and affects the regularity of combustion.
  • Temperature changes: Extreme or fluctuating temperatures affect cigar aromas and combustion.

Preserving cigars therefore requires maintaining stable humidity and temperature in a controlled environment.

1. The essential role of'humidification

Cigars contain an internal humidity level that must be maintained between 12% and 14% to preserve their aromas and ensure regular combustion. The key to good cigar preservation lies in maintaining a constant humidity level. The ideal level is between 65 % and 72 % relative humidity (quantity of water contained in the air in relation to its maximum capacity).

It's important to understand that the ability of air to hold moisture depends on temperature: the warmer it is, the more water the air can hold. This means that at 70% relative humidity and 20°C, air contains less water than at 70% humidity, but at 25°C.

2. Temperature management

Temperature is also crucial to cigar preservation. Ideally, cigars should be stored at a temperature between 18°C and 21°C. If the temperature exceeds 21°C, the cigars risk attracting parasites, such as the tobacco lasiodermwhich can damage the leaves. At lower temperatures (below 16°C), the natural oils in the tobacco leaves can congeal, altering the cigar's taste and combustion.

The best tips for storing cigars in a humidor

Tips for storing your cigars at home

The best way to maintain optimum humidity levels is to invest in a humidor. This accessory is a must-have for any cigar enthusiast who indulges on a regular basis. Generally made from cedar wood, it is equipped with a hygrometer and humidification device to maintain a stable humidity level over time.

1. Location of the'humidor

Even with a quality humidor, it's important to follow certain practices to ensure that your cigars are well preserved. A humidor should be kept in a cool, dark place, away from sources of heat and light. Avoid excessively humid areas, such as poorly ventilated basements or rooms with permanent air conditioning, and prefer rooms with a stable temperature.

2. Humidor ventilation

A humidor must maintain a delicate balance between airtightness and air circulation. It must be both sufficiently airtight to maintain a constant level of humidity, and regularly aerated (once every two weeks or so) to renew the air and prevent your vitolas from suffocating. However, this operation should not be too frequent to avoid disturbing the internal balance of your humidor.

3. Rotation and regular maintenance of the'humidor

To ensure even humidification of all your cigars, we recommend rotating them regularly in the humidor. Cigars located close to the humidification source may absorb more moisture, while those further away may become too dry. To ensure even moisture distribution, rotate your cigars approximately every two to three months, following a precise order of rotation.

It's also important to clean and maintain your humidor regularly. Once a year, clean the inside of the humidor with a slightly damp cloth and re-moisten the wood if necessary.

The best tips for keeping your cigars humidor-free

tips for keeping your cigars humidor-free

1. Tips that work

If you don't have a humidor, there are temporary solutions for keeping your cigars at home for short periods.

  • The Tupperdor: Use an airtight plastic box (like a tupperware) fitted with a small humidifying device (such as a Boveda sachet) and, ideally, a hygrometer. Make sure the box is two-thirds full of cigars to stabilize humidity.
  • The ziplock bag: Place your cigars in an airtight plastic bag, with a sponge moistened with distilled water. This is a temporary solution that maintains the right level of humidity for a few days.

These methods are only short-term alternatives and are no substitute for a well-calibrated humidor, especially if you want to keep your cigars for a long time.

2. Common mistakes to avoid

Certain mistakes are common among cigar aficionados and can have a negative impact on the quality of your cigars. Here are some of the mistakes to avoid:

  • Neglecting humidity control: Failure to regularly monitor humidity levels in the humidor can result in cigars drying out or, on the contrary, over-humidifying.
  • Opening the humidor too often: Opening the humidor too frequently disturbs the internal microclimate. Try to limit opening to once or twice a day.
  • Using tap water to humidify your humidor: Only distilled water should be used to humidify your humidor. Tap water contains minerals that can clog the humidifier and alter the taste of your cigars.
  • Storing cigars in a refrigerator: Contrary to what some people might think, a refrigerator is a poor place to store cigars. The air is too dry and food odours can alter the taste of the cigars.
  • Storing cigars in a wine cellar: Wine cellars are designed to maintain an average temperature of around 10°C to 16°C, which is too cold to store cigars. What's more, they can't control humidity in the same way as a humidor.


Storing your cigars at home requires constant attention to humidity, temperature and ventilation. Whether you use a classic humidor or a temporary solution such as a Tupperdor or ziplock bag, it's crucial to maintain a stable environment. Whether you're an occasional enthusiast or a collector looking to age your cigars, these tips will help you preserve the quality of your cigars and enjoy their unique aromas to the full.


Yes, cigars can be stored without humidification for around 2-3 days, provided they are kept in a cool, stable environment. However, be careful not to exceed this period, otherwise your cigars will dry out and lose their aromas.

For travel, a travel humidor is an excellent option. It's a portable humidor designed to keep a small quantity of cigars at optimum humidity for several days.

Cigars from different terroirs or with distinctive aromas should be stored separately, so as not to influence each other's flavors. If you must store them together, make sure they are far enough apart to limit the risk of impregnating each other's aromas.

Cigars from different terroirs or with distinctive aromas should be stored separately, so as not to influence each other's flavors. If you must store them together, make sure they are far enough apart to limit the risk of impregnating each other's aromas.

A poorly stored cigar can be dry and brittle, with a fragile wrapper that cracks. It may also appear spongy and too moist, making it difficult to draw. If you see mold or if the cigar has a bitter or pungent taste, this may also indicate poor preservation.

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