The Cohiba Talismán, a popular limited edition released two years ago, is now back.
Habanos S.A. has announced the return of the Cohiba Talismán, originally released as an Edición Limitada in 2017. The 6 1/2 x 54 toro extra was released to great fanfare on its debut two years ago and sold out quickly.
Interestingly, Habanos S.A. has stated that the new version was made "from the same harvest as the (original) one".
The company announced that the new version would feature the same cape as the 2017 version, including a secondary Edición Limitada 2017 group, but will have box codes that read 2019.
Habanos S.A. has released limited editions of previous limited editions before, but this isn't something the company doesn't do regularly.
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