Cohiba tradition in miniature format
The Cohiba Club embodies the experience of a great cigar in a compact format. Created to adapt to the fast pace of modern life, it allows for brief tasting while preserving the excellence of Cohiba, a respected and well-known brand in the cigar world.
A refined composition
Each Cohiba Club is carefully crafted, using a blend of selected tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, renowned for its exceptional leaf quality. The flavors emanating from these cigarillos reflect the skill and expertise of their blending.
Manufacturing and quality
Cohiba's reputation rests on its meticulous manufacturing methods. These cigars are the result of a meticulous choice of tobacco and processes that follow rigorous quality criteria. Cohiba Club cigars are rolled to perfection, offering an even, homogeneous smoke.
Packaging and presentation
Cohiba Club cigars come in elegant boxes, each containing 20 cigarillos. The golden color and the brand's emblematic crest define an aesthetic that evokes the quality and heritage of these cigars.
Flavor profile
With a strength rating of five on a five-point scale, Cohiba Club is for those who appreciate a robust cigar that doesn't compromise on flavor or aroma. Expect rich, full notes that will stimulate your senses, even in this smaller format.
The Cohiba Club experience
Designed for five to fifteen minutes' enjoyment, these cigarillos are perfect for a tasty break during a busy day. The 96.5 mm length and 8.66 mm diameter shape an ideal cigar for a quick, yet satisfying moment of relaxation.