The Davidoff cigar brand was born over 50 years ago, but its history dates back to the beginning of the 20th century in a small cigar store in Geneva. Thanks to the passion and creativity of Zino DavidoffDavidoff, a family-run business, grew rapidly to become one of the world's most famous cigar manufacturers. From being an ambassador for Cuban cigars in Europe to a cigar brand in its own right, the Davidoff company still embodies cigar excellence today.
The birth of a Swiss-Cuban friendship
Zino Davidoff was born in Kiev in 1906. His father, Henri Davidoff, blended tobacco from Asia before selling it as cigars and cigarettes. Driven out by the pogroms of the Russian Empire, the family first settled in Turkey, before settling in Switzerland in 1911. It was here that Henri Davidoff opened his cigar store at 2, rue de la Rive in Geneva. After a mediocre education at Collège Calvin, Zino decided to give up his studies to devote himself to his passion: tobacco. At the age of 19, he left for Latin America, visiting plantations in Argentina, Brazil and Cuba. It was on this Caribbean island that he did most of his apprenticeship, discovering every stage of cigar production, from planting to boxing.
On his return from Cuba in 1931, he became involved in his father's store and developed the first prototype of a cigar humidor, which he called a "humidor". The concept was a resounding success, and helped put the family store on the local map. But it wasn't until the outbreak of the Second World War that the Davidoff name became part of the history of high-end cigars. With stocks of Cuban cigars stranded in European ports and the Allies fearing that they would be stolen, Zino was commissioned by the manufacturers to retrieve them and store them in his boutique. With the largest stock on the Old Continent, the Davidoff boutique in Geneva soon became the only stockist of Cuban cigars in Europe. It was at this time that Zino was given the title of "Monsieur Cigare".
The creation of the Davidoff brand
At the end of the Second World War, Zino pulled off another masterstroke, proposing to Cuban manufacturers that they launch an innovative line of cigars named after Bordeaux grands crus. In 1946, the "Château" line was launched, manufactured at the Hoyo de Monterrey factory in Havana. Chateau Latour, Chateau Lafitte, Chateau d'Yquem and Chateau Haut-Brion cigars thus became "Chateau" cigars. Davidoff signature cigars.
In the face of this considerable success, the Davidoff boutique acquired worldwide renown and became the showcase for Cuban cigars in Europe. In 1967, Cubatabaco (the state organization in charge of the Cuban cigar industry) suggested that Zino develop his own brand of cigars. The Château de Hoyo de Monterrey range was renamed Davidoff Château, and production was transferred to the now-famous El Laguito factory. It was here that the first Davidoff blends saw the light of day, with the release of Davidoff No.1, Davidoff No.2 and later Davidoff Ambassadrice cigars.
In 1970, Davidoff joined forces with the international Oettinger group and opened boutiques in London, Hong Kong and New York. A few years later, the brand releases the "Mille" series, which includes 5 modules and the famous Davidoff Dom Perignon.
The breakdown in relations between Davidoff and Cuba
Despite the success of his cigars, Zino decided to sever relations with Cuba in 1988. He went so far as to burn thousands of Cuban cigars in public. While this was the final blow of his divorce from Cuba, it also reinforced the brand's prestigious image, associating it with the idea of irreproachable quality.
In 1991, the brand moved to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and began developing cigars with rich, subtle flavors, such as the Davidoff White Label series. It also opened up to other terroirs, producing the Black Label series at the beginning of the 21st century, made from Nicaraguan tobaccos with fuller-bodied aromas. While the Cuban terroir remains the world's benchmark for premium cigars, the Davidoff family has played a major role in developing the reputation of the Dominican terroir among aficionados. Today, Davidoff cigars are still made in the Dominican Republic.
From a family business to an international group
After the merger with the Swiss Oettinger Group, the Davidoff brand is developing a sales strategy focused on luxury products and exclusive, high-quality creations. In addition to its top-of-the-range cigars, the company manufactures a wide range of smoking accessories, clothing, brandies, colognes and cosmetics. The company also produces other cigar brands such as Camacho, Cusano and Avo Cigars. With a presence in over 100 countries, 65 "Davidoff of Geneva since 1911"Davidoff is now one of the most renowned brands in the cigar world, and an example of business development for all cigar manufacturers.
A brand in the image of its creator
Thanks to his extraordinary background, his taste for hedonism and his boundless creativity, Zino Davidoff succeeded in transforming his father's small Geneva boutique into a global cigar empire in just a few short years. From the invention of the humidor from blending master cigars to popularizing the Havana in Europe, he made the Davidoff brand a symbol of cigar elegance and excellence. As journalist Jean-Claude Narcy notes, he was indeed "the last of the lords".