Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro
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Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro

The Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro is a distinguished series of cigars from Nicaragua, offering an unparalleled smoking experience. By adopting an exclusive double-aging process—first, for a decade in bales, and then for another two years in bourbon barrels—the cigars achieve a remarkable depth in color, texture, aroma, and flavor. The Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper, along with similarly source-aged binder and fillers, creates a complex taste profile with notes of dark chocolate, soft spices, and coffee. This meticulous craftsmanship and innovation in aging not only pay homage to the traditions of cigar making but also introduce a novel method that enhances the tobaccos’ characteristics, making a significant contribution to cigar culture. Each cigar is an embodiment of a perfectly balanced, flavorful smoke that encapsulates the essence of Nicaragua’s rich tobacco heritage.

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Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro


Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro: Overview

The Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro cigar series presents a meticulously crafted product that caters to aficionados seeking a matured tobacco experience. Stemming from a heritage of Nicaraguan craftsmanship, this cigar line is notable for its use of long-aged tobaccos.

Geographical Origin and Tobacco

Nicaragua serves as the geographical origin for the Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro cigars. The series is renowned for embracing the Nicaraguan terroir, which is reflected in the choice of tobacco leaves. These components are selected from the richest fields and embody the distinctive traits associated with the region’s tobacco output.

Crafting Process

The crafting of these cigars is characterized by an exclusive double-aging process, where the tobacco leaves are aged for a decade in bales before spending an additional two years in bourbon barrels. This dual maturation influences the cigars’ color, texture, aroma, and flavor, resulting in a final product that boasts a harmonious smoke.

Vintage Maduro Tobacco Composition

Central to the makeup of the Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro is the Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper, which encapsulates the aged binder and fillers also sourced from Nicaragua. The interplay between these components, aided by bourbon barrel aging, bestows the cigar with a complex flavor profile.

Flavor Profile

Upon lighting, enthusiasts may discern notes of dark chocolate, gentle spices, and coffee that permeate throughout the smoking experience. These flavor attributes are indicative of the Maduro’s dark wrapper and extensive aging process. The cigars aim to deliver a balanced aroma and taste that’s both rich and nuanced.

Traditions and Innovations

The cultivation of tobacco and the art of cigar making are steeped in tradition, yet the Perdomo brand has effectively integrated innovation with their double-aging process. This innovation respects the legacy of cigar making while introducing a method that accentuates the qualities of the tobacco.

The Impact on Cigar Culture

While maintaining neutrality, it’s important to recognize that the Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro has contributed to the global cigar culture. By championing aged tobaccos and the unique process of barrel aging, Perdomo has influenced how connoisseurs appreciate the depth and character in their cigars.

In Conclusion

In providing an objective overview of the Perdomomn Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro cigars, this article serves as a factual guide that outlines the cigars’ origin, craftsmanship, and tasting notes. This premium cigar range is a testament to Nicaraguan tobacco and innovation in the art of cigar production.


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