Large choix de cigares My Father La Antiguedad
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My Father La Antiguedad

My Father La Antiguedad is a premium cigar series by the Garcia family, building on the success of La Flor de las Antillas to honor the Cuban cigar-making heritage. Expertly crafted from Cuban-seed Nicaraguan tobaccos, these cigars are grown on My Father Cigars’ private farms with at least three and a half years of maturation to ensure unparalleled quality. The cigars feature a medium to full-bodied flavor profile, concocted to be complex yet balanced with distinct notes of cocoa and coffee. La Antiguedad has positively impacted cigar culture, blending tradition with modern flair and is considered an excellent choice for connoisseurs and novices alike, offering a rich, aromatic smoking experience.

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My Father La Antiguedad


My Father La Antiguedad Cigars

Among the myriad of cigars that aficionados can enjoy, My Father La Antiguedad stands out for its connection to traditional Cuban craftsmanship. The Garcia family, behind My Father Cigars, has crafted a line that not only resonates with the legacy of cigar making but also brings a unique expression of flavor and quality.

La Antiguedad, which translates to ‘the antiquity’, is a testament to the esteemed history of cigar culture. It represents a harmonious blend of traditional methods and modern execution. The series was launched following the success of La Flor de las Antillas, further enhancing the Garcia family’s reputation in the cigar industry.

Origin and Composition

The La Antiguedad collection is a testament to the Garcia family’s commitment to quality. It is rooted in Nicaraguan soil, with seeds of Cuban origin. The filler tobaccos are exclusively grown in Nicaragua, in private farms such as San Rafael, Las Quebradas, and San Jose, all under the ownership and supervision of My Father Cigars.

The selection process for the tobaccos is meticulous, ensuring that only the best leaves are used. The dedication to a prolonged and controlled maturation process, lasting no less than three and a half years, contributes to the consistent quality of the cigars in this series.

Construction and Craftsmanship

Every La Antiguedad cigar is a marvel of craftsmanship, showcasing the detailed and attentive process taken to construct each piece. From the well-aged wrappers to the carefully fermented filler, these cigars are assembled with precision, enabling a smooth, even burn and a robust structural integrity.

The construction quality not only affects the smoking experience but also the conveyance of the cigar’s profile, delivering an even draw and consistent flavor from start to finish. This level of quality is maintained across all cigars within the My Father La Antiguedad line.

Flavor Profile

The Garcia family describes the flavor profile of La Antiguedad as medium to full-bodied. It presents a complex yet balanced array of tastes, with a scent that’s rich and inviting. The blend achieves a profound depth of flavor that can cater to smokers desiring a substantive yet harmonious experience.

Smokers may detect notes of cocoa, coffee, and a sweet undercurrent, amongst other nuanced flavors and aromas. These characteristics have been carefully developed through the extensive aging process and the selective blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos.

Impact on Cigar Culture

My Father La Antiguedad cigars have contributed to the broader cigar culture by offering an option that bridges the gap between the storied traditions of Cuban cigar-making and the innovative approaches that define the Nicaraguan scene. In this way, they honor the past while continuing to push the envelope in terms of taste and quality.

The lineage of the Garcia family and their dedication to the craft is evident, not just in La Antiguedad, but in their entire range of cigars, which continue to earn respect and recognition in cigar communities around the world.


La Antiguedad by My Father Cigars is more than a premium cigar; it is a sculpted experience that pays homage to a rich cultural legacy. Through a blend of careful cultivation, detailed construction, and a nuanced flavor profile, the Garcia family presents a series that resonates well with both purists and newcomers to the cigar aficionado community.

The dedication to preserving traditional elements while still implementing modern techniques has resulted in a noteworthy cigar that contributes to the evolving narrative of global cigar culture. Whether enjoyed among friends or in a solitary moment of reflection, My Father La Antiguedad offers a thoughtful and satisfying smoking experience.


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