Introduction to Plasencia Cosecha 146
Among the offerings from Plasencia, a respected name in the cigar industry, the Plasencia Cosecha 146 stands out as a product of particular significance. This line is a result of meticulous selection of tobacco from the 2011/2012 harvest from Plasencia’s farms in Honduras and Nicaragua.
Origins and Heritage
The “Cosecha” term translates to “harvest” in Spanish, making Cosecha 146 the 146th harvest since the Plasencia family started cultivating tobacco in Cuba in 1865. With origins deeply rooted in family tradition, these cigars embody the agricultural richness of the regions where they are produced.
Geographic Significance
The Plasencia Cosecha 146 cigars are crafted with a blend of tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua, regions known for their distinctive tobacco plants. The geographical conditions of these areas contribute to the unique characteristics of the cigar’s flavor profile.
Craftsmanship and Production
Dedicated to tradition, the Plasencia family oversees the entire process of cigar creation from seed to smoke. The Cosecha 146 series is notable for its exclusive use of tobaccos from a single harvest year, which provides consistency and a distinct complexity to the product.
Tobacco Blend and Flavor Profile
Featuring a harmonious blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Plasencia Cosecha 146 series offers a smoking experience that ranges from mild to medium strength. Consumers can expect to encounter a complex and subtly sweet flavor profile, with undertones that exemplify the richness of Central American soils.
Consumer Experience
Tasters of the Plasencia Cosecha 146 often report a balance of flavors that include but are not limited to earthy and woody notes with hints of fruit and spices. This sophistication in taste makes these cigars suitable for both connoisseurs and newcomers to the world of premium cigars.
The Impact of Tradition
Over the years, Plasencia’s commitment to quality has impacted the cigar culture globally. The Cosecha 146 series represents both time-honored practices and innovative methods in tobacco cultivation and cigar manufacturing, generating interest and appreciation among aficionados worldwide.
The Plasencia Cosecha 146 is not simply a cigar; it is a statement of heritage and craftsmanship. Each cigar from this line invites smokers on a journey through flavor and time, a testament to the relentless pursuit of tobacco perfection by five generations of the Plasencia family.