Asylum Insidious - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Asylum Insidious

La ligne de cigares Asylum Insidious séduit par son profil doux et la pointe de douceur de ses arômes, idéale pour les amateurs de nuances subtiles. Ces cigares sont méticuleusement conçus avec une cape claire de Connecticut équatorien et un mélange de tabacs honduriens, réputés pour leur combustion uniforme et leur saveur consistante. L’Insidious se distingue par une note sucrée caractéristique, non imposante et introduite par un léger édulcoration du tête du cigare, qui s’estompe au profit du profil tabac. Son héritage est bien hondurien, où la tradition et l’innovation fusionnent, renforçant la culture des cigares avec des profils variés et accessibles. Asylum propose également les Asylum 13, qui contrastent avec l’Insidious par un caractère puissant de puro nicaraguayen, soulignant l’étendue de leur offre et l’appréciation de divers palais.

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Asylum Insidious


Overview of Asylum Insidious Cigars

Asylum Insidious is a line that warrants attention for those who have a palate for mild and sweet cigars. Manufactured with a dedication to quality, Asylum cigars are known for their distinct characteristics. The Insidious line stands out within the Asylum brand because of its unique sweetness and approachable flavor profile.

Design and Construction

The construction of Asylum Insidious cigars features an attractive, smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper. Underneath, it holds a combination of Honduran binder and filler tobaccos, chosen for their consistent burn and flavor. The cigars are notable for the careful craftsmanship that is evident in the construction of each stick, enforcing the brand’s reputation for quality.

Geographic Origin

All Asylum Insidious cigars are produced in Honduras, a region celebrated for its rich soil and favorable climate for tobacco cultivation. This Central American country has a strong tradition in cigar making, contributing significantly to the global cigar economy.

Tasting Notes and Flavor Profile

Upon lighting an Asylum Insidious cigar, the smoker is greeted with a notable sweetness, which is a result of lightly sweetening the cigar’s head. This introductory pleasure isn’t overpowering and gradually fades, allowing the natural tobacco flavors to take center stage. Smokers can expect a creamy smoking experience, with the natural sweetness giving way to a mild and enjoyable flavor characteristic of Honduran tobacco.

Innovation and Tradition

The Asylum Insidious cigars marry traditional cigar-making techniques with innovative approaches to flavor. While not a flavored cigar in the conventional sense, the slight sweetening of the tip speaks to Asylum’s willingness to experiment and cater to a wide range of preferences, which can be seen as a reflection of both the brand’s innovative spirit and respect for tradition.

Asylum Cigar Lines and Comparison

Beyond Insidious, Asylum also offers a robust portfolio including the Asylum 13 range, contrasting the Insidious with its bold, Nicaraguan puro profile. This diversity within their offerings showcases the brand’s versatility and understanding of the diverse tastes of cigar aficionados.

Impact on Cigar Culture

The evolution of Asylum cigars, and particularly the Insidious line, reflects a broader trend in the cigar industry towards more diverse and accessible flavor profiles. Their impact on cigar culture is significant, as they offer an entry point for new smokers while still providing enough complexity to satisfy experienced enthusiasts.


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