Introduction to The Master Selection
The Master Selection by Davidoff poses as a curated series of cigars that represent the expertise and personal touch of their creator, Henke Kelner, Davidoff’s master blender. Released in 2017, this range pays homage to various milestones in Kelner’s life, with each blend marking a different year and celebrating an anniversary of significance to him.
Geographical Origin and Tobacco Blends
The tobacco used in The Master Selection series is sourced from various regions, contributing to the complexity and uniqueness of each cigar. Known for selecting the finest leaves, the series showcases Davidoff’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Key ingredients typically include Dominican tobaccos among other regions, with every year’s blend carrying a distinct fingerprint.
Davidoff Master Selection 2007
Commemorating Kelner’s 54th birthday, the Davidoff Master Selection 2007 is crafted with a mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. This particular cigar is known for its smooth and balanced profile with hints of spice and sweetness, typical of the tobaccos originating from these areas.
Davidoff Master Selection 2008
The 2008 edition, celebrating Kelner’s 55th year, leans towards a richer and slightly more robust experience. Seasoned aficionados might detect notes of leather and earth, underpinned by a subtle creaminess, offering a reflection of its diverse tobacco origins.
Davidoff Master Selection 2010
With its launch marking Kelner’s 57th birthday, the 2010 blend features an inviting combination of tobaccos that create a medium to full-bodied profile. In this blend, notes of cocoa and a peppery finish stand out, encapsulating the quality of tobaccos utilized.
Davidoff Master Selection 2011
Turning 58, Kelner’s 2011 cigar is designed to deliver a complex, yet harmonious smoking experience. Here, one might discern a symphony of woody notes, complemented by a gentle fruity sweetness, indicative of the meticulous selection of tobaccos.
Davidoff Master Selection 2013
In honor of Kelner’s 60th anniversary, the 2013 blend is often remarked for its elegant and sophisticated array of flavors. Offering a tapestry of aromas, smokers might notice a blend of spices and a delicate nuttiness, characteristic of the specially selected ingredients.
Davidoff Master Selection 2016
The 2016 blend, a nod to Kelner’s 63rd birthday, epitomizes the maturation of blending skill over time. It skillfully presents a rich and deeply satisfying taste palette, featuring dark chocolate and hints of roasted nuts, delivering a distinctive sensory journey.
Craftsmanship and Construction
The Master Selection embodies the pinnacle of construction excellence that Davidoff is renowned for, with each cigar expertly rolled to ensure an impeccable draw and a consistent burning experience. The attention to detail in the craftsmanship echoes Davidoff’s legacy of quality.
Impact on Cigar Culture
Davidoff’s The Master Collection stands as a testament to the evolution of cigar blending as an art form. Through this series, the achievements of Henke Kelner are celebrated, and the brand’s influence on the cigar industry’s standards of quality and innovation is exemplified. It offers aficionados a sensory archive of moments in the blender’s life, each cigar acting as a temporal capsule of taste.
The Master Selection from Davidoff is more than a range of premium cigars; it is a journey through the milestones of a master blender’s life. Each cigar in the series is a blend of carefully chosen tobaccos that contribute to a distinctive smoking experience, highlighting traditions and innovations of the cigar world and offering a remarkable variety of tasting notes to cater to a range of palates.