Arturo Fuente Hemingway - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Arturo Fuente Hemingway

The Arturo Fuente Hemingway line is emblematic within the cigar world, crafted as a tribute to the celebrated writer and cigar lover Ernest Hemingway. With distinctive pointed ends and a black liseré on the band, each cigar delivers a unique smoking experience. Carlos Fuente developed the Hemingway series, utilizing a blend of Dominican and Cameroonian tobaccos, mirroring the sophistication found in Hemingway’s literary works. Torcedores with exceptional skills are required to achieve the series’ signature shape, allowing for a nearly pure taste of the Cameroonian wrapper upon lighting. Contrasting the robust flavors of the Reserva Supérieure line, Hemingway cigars are more subtle and delicate. Notably, the ‘Short Story’ and ‘Best Seller’ are perfect for enjoying with an aperitif, while the rare ‘Untold Story’ variant boasts an intense maduro wrapper for a bold yet smooth experience, befitting Hemingway’s legendary status.

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Arturo Fuente Hemingway


Introduction to Arturo Fuente Hemingway

Within the pantheon of premium cigars, the Arturo Fuente Hemingway series holds a unique position. Named to honor the acclaimed American novelist and cigar aficionado, Ernest Hemingway, this series offers a distinct smoking experience. Arturo Fuente, a brand established in the late 1800s, carries forward a tradition of crafting cigars with meticulous care and expertise, showcasing the legacy of its founder, Carlos Fuente.

Design and Construction

The Hemingway series is renowned for its signature shape, known as the “perfecto,” which sports an unusual pointed end. This design traces back to the early 20th century, reflecting a time when cigars were shaped by hand without the use of molds. Today, creating such a shape requires skilled artisans, known as Torcedores, who have mastered the art of hand-rolling cigars to achieve the distinctive perfecto form.

Tobacco Blend and Origin

The series utilizes a blend of Dominican filler and binder tobaccos, coupled with a Cameroonian wrapper. This combination results from a thoughtful selection process aiming to achieve a balance of flavors. The Dominican Republic is the source of the series’ filler and binder tobaccos, renowned for their rich taste and quality. Meanwhile, the Cameroonian wrapper is appreciated for its fine texture and contribution to the cigar’s overall flavor profile.

The Hemingway Selection

Amongst the more popular vitolas, the “Short Story” and “Best Seller” are prominent choices for those seeking a medium-bodied cigar that pairs well with an aperitif. Moreover, the “Untold Story,” a more elusive member of the Hemingway line, stands out due to its intense maduro wrapper that provides a robust and velvety smoking experience. This particular cigar is a nod to Ernest Hemingway’s narrative prowess and offers a flavor profile suitable for reflection and relaxation.

Flavor Profile

The Arturo Fuente Hemingway series is crafted with a more delicate touch than the rich and potent offerings of the Reserva Supérieure. Expect a nuanced, subtle profile from these cigars, notable for the distinct flavor of the Cameroonian wrapper that can be appreciated almost immediately upon lighting. The cigars’ profiles present a symphony of flavors, from wood and spice to occasionally sweet or earthy notes, depending on the particular vitola.

Legacy and Culture

The Hemingway series represents a historical appreciation for intricate cigar-making techniques and pays homage to an era when the craft was as celebrated as literature. The influence of these cigars extends beyond their taste, contributing to the rich tapestry of the cigar culture worldwide. The Arturo Fuente Hemingway collection stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of both the man and the brand in the storied world of cigars.


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