West Tampa White - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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تاجر السيجار الفاخر في جميع أنحاء العالم منذ عام 1978

غرب تامبا وايت

Les Cigares West Tampa White incarnent l’expertise de Rick Rodriguez, un maître du monde du cigare avec 25 ans d’expérience. Ces cigares premium moyennement corsés se composent d’une cape Habano belle et lisse et d’une sous-cape équatorienne Habano, entourant une tripe de tabac nicaraguayen des régions fertiles de Pueblo Nuevo, Ometepe et Jalapa. Réputés pour leur profil gustatif cremeux et se caractérisant par leur richesse, les West Tampa White promettent une expérience inoubliable tant aux fumeurs modernes qu’aux traditionalistes. Méticuleusement fabriqués à la main dans la manufacture Garmendia Cigar Co. au Nicaragua, ces cigares sont le produit d’une tradition prestigieuse et d’un savoir-faire sans égal.

شاهد المزيد انظر أقل

غرب تامبا وايت


Introduction to West Tampa White Cigars

West Tampa White Cigars are a notable addition to the world of premium cigars, brought forth by the West Tampa Tobacco Company. Crafted with precision, these cigars mark the legacy of Rick Rodriguez, a celebrated name with a quarter-century experience in the cigar industry.

البناء والتركيب

The West Tampa White boasts a medium-bodied profile, appealing to a variety of cigar enthusiasts. Its outer layer features a smooth, rosy Habano wrapper, complemented by an Ecuadorian Habano binder. The filler is a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos sourced from the regions of Pueblo Nuevo, Ometepe, and Jalapa, creating a harmonious mix of flavors.

عملية التصنيع

Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted at the Garmendia Cigar Co. factory in Nicaragua. The attention to detail during production ensures consistency in quality and experience, highlighting the craftsman’s skill in creating cigars that provide a balance of tradition and modernity.

نبذة عن التذوق

The West Tampa White cigars offer a rich and creamy profile, characterized by nuanced flavors. They are designed to satisfy both the contemporary smoker and those who prefer a traditional cigar experience, delivering a sensory journey through taste and aroma typical of Nicaraguan tobacco.

Geographical Significance

The Nicaraguan tobaccos used in West Tampa White Cigars come from regions known for their fertile soil and optimal climate conditions for tobacco cultivation, contributing to the distinct taste profile of these cigars. Pueblo Nuevo, Ometepe, and Jalapa are areas with a rich history in tobacco farming, each contributing unique characteristics to the final blend.

التأثير الثقافي

Cigars like the West Tampa White embody the evolution of cigar culture, bridging the gap between age-old methods and contemporary tastes. They reflect a global appreciation for cigar craftsmanship, while also influencing the tastes and preferences of cigar aficionados worldwide.


In conclusion, West Tampa White cigars by the West Tampa Tobacco Company stand as a testament to the expertise of Rick Rodriguez. With a careful selection of tobacco leaves, skilled hand-rolling techniques, and a flavor profile tailored for diverse palettes, these cigars honor both tradition and innovation within the cigar industry.


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