Dimension Series - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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تاجر السيجار الفاخر في جميع أنحاء العالم منذ عام 1978

سلسلة الأبعاد

Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, praised for sparking the BIG RING size trend, introduced the innovative Dimension Series in the cigar world. Embracing various sizes, the collection includes the hefty INCH line, non-traditional dimensions with the rebel series, and smaller ring gauge cigars for a more nuanced flavor profile. Originating in the Dominican Republic, the series features diverse tobacco blends with leaves from Nicaragua and encompasses rich and complex flavors. The Dimension Series not only honors traditional cigar craftsmanship but also pushes boundaries to tailor to modern preferences, significantly impacting cigar culture and smokers’ experiences.

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سلسلة الأبعاد


Overview of the Dimension Series

The Dimension Series by E.P. Carrillo is a nod to innovation within the cigar industry. Creator Ernesto Perez-Carrillo is often credited with popularizing the BIG RING gauge with this collection. The series emphasizes varied cigar dimensions that promise to enhance the smoking experience by offering a diverse range of sizes and profiles.

Each cigar within this line represents a deliberate departure from standard dimensions, thereby giving smokers the opportunity to explore different facets of cigar enjoyment, from large ring gauges to more slender options.

The Inch Series

Notably, the Dimension Series includes the INCH line, consisting of large-ring cigars that have become a standout feature of Carrillo’s offerings. This line caters to a growing demand for hefty cigars, showcasing how size can impact flavor and draw.

Originating from the Dominican Republic, the INCH series utilizes a variety of tobacco blends, often featuring Nicaraguan filler and binder leaves encased in wrappers sourced from countries like Ecuador and the United States. This combination yields a rich and complex smoking experience with notes ranging from earthy and spicy to creamy and sweet.

Non-Traditional Dimensions

The rebel, another key member of the Dimension Series, boasts non-traditional dimensions. These cigars are designed for those who seek uniqueness in their smoking experience. The non-conformist size options offer an array of flavors and strengths to satisfy a broad spectrum of palates.

By deviating from conventional cigar sizes, the rebel line challenges the norm and encourages smokers to explore cigars that can fit varying durations and preferences. The precise geographical origins and blend specifics can often be traced back to varying regions within Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, amongst others.

Smaller Ring Options

Contrasting the INCH, the Dimension Series also features smaller ring gauge cigars which invite enthusiasts to indulge in a more concentrated flavor profile. While offering a faster burn, these smaller gauges allow the craftsmanship of the blend to shine through, delivering an intense bouquet of aromas.

These cigars often encapsulate tobaccos from esteemed regions such as the Vuelta Abajo zone in Cuba or the Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua, noted for their rich soils and optimal climate conditions, ideal for producing tobacco with distinctive flavor profiles. Tasting notes for these smaller ring cigars may include a mix of floral, nutty, and woodsy elements, complemented by a subtle sweetness.

التقاليد تلتقي مع الابتكار

E.P. Carrillo’s Dimension Series strikes a balance between the storied tradition of cigar making and the pursuit of innovation. It embraces the historical roots of cigar craftsmanship while simultaneously stepping forward to meet the evolving tastes of modern aficionados.

The series reflects how cigar dimensions can influence the smoking experience. It brings to light the importance of understanding how length and gauge work in tandem with the blend and construction to produce the desired aroma and taste.

التأثير على ثقافة السيجار

As trends in cigar sizes have shifted globally, the Dimension Series by E.P. Carrillo has played a pivotal role in shaping preferences and expectations. It showcases how diversification in cigar production can expand the horizons of flavour discovery and enjoyment for smokers around the world.

With each category of the Dimension Series, E.P. Carrillo continues to influence the dialogue about what constitutes an exceptional cigar, focusing on quality, diversity, and the smoker’s evolving palate. These innovations help ensure the continued growth and dynamic nature of cigar culture on a global scale.


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